So I am looking right now into funding my own sarl-s. Consequently I am checking what is the process to fund a company. So on the House of Entrepreneurship (HoE) official brochure it just says, you need a business permit and that it is something dealt by the Ministry of the Economy but that sort of it is (the checklist mentioned provides only a list of general documents one may potentially need).

Ok but the first point stands, so I go to:

Where it says:

"You can submit your application for a business permit in 2 ways, the first of which is strongly recommended: by filling in your business permit application yourself online via your professional eSpace on MyGuichet.luusing a LuxTrust product. The system uses the information you have entered to determine which documents you need to enclose"

Ok great seems easy, so my "professional eSpace" on my guichet apparently has this process. Too bad there are 151 processes on myGuichet in various languag*es (I am not even sure in which languag*e I should search). I am not even sure if "my professional eSpace" is the same as your normal myGuichet.

I am sure I will find it out tomorrow by calling a bunch of people. But I really wished this was explained in extreme detail and in plain languag*e. All guides I see are plain languag*e but very simplified (like the one of the HoE) or are straight up legal French speak.

I don’t expect any answers from the community I am just amused and need to share the experience.

Posted by De_Noir


  1. So I have a business e-space and by clicking on the guichet link you shared and the business permit application link once more it prompts me to sign in with luxtrust but leads me directly to the form then. I agree that myguichet is a mess and honestly it‘s easier to just google the form you need, which is the business permit/authorisation d‘établissement.

    I would just call the HoE (very unfortunate accronym btw lol) and have them run down the process for you. Maybe if more people would call them they get the hint and update their resources. Good luck!

  2. post_crooks on

    The hint that you probably need is that the form for the business permit isn’t available on the mobile app of myguichet. The rest should be easy