Trudeau government cuts budget of Information Commissioner,take%20the%20government%20to%20court.


  1. cruiseshipsghg on

    >**A move that will make it even more difficult to press Ottawa for information that Canadians request or to take the government to court.**

    >Ms. Maynard told the House of Commons committee on access to information, privacy and ethics Thursday that the Treasury Board department reduced her budget by $700,000.
    “In concrete terms, this represents a significant portion of my overall IT budget or money to cover the costs of defending my orders in court or funding for a full team of investigators,” she said.

    >**“Basically this reduction in my budget will spell long delays for complainants who are seeking information from government institutions.”**

    *This* is where they choose to become ‘fiscally responsible’.

  2. AtRiskMedia on


    The level of gaslighting coming from Trudeau and his ilk is alarming.

    Harper was never this anti-democratic. Not even close…

  3. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    If this was happening from a government that was generally cutting spending I would assume it is collateral damage. With the current government, that makes drunken sailors look fiscally responsible, it seems like it is targeted. 

  4. Tazmaniac808 on

    The only true accomplishment the JT Liberals misfits have is reaching greasy new lows on a daily basis. Something new and greasy everday.

  5. Draugakjallur on

    What better way to prepare for your exit from government than making it more difficult for people to find out what you did.

  6. CaliperLee62 on

    This is a big deal. Michael Cooper just put out a video today:


    Apparently the information commissioner testified this afternoon before the ethics committee that the Trudeau government is limiting her resources in part to hinder investigation in to their cover up of the Winnipeg lab breach.

    Further, subsequent to that testimony the Liberal and NDP members of the committee moved a motion to shut down the hearings.

    They are truly truly desperate to hide details about the Winnipeg lab. I wonder why?

  7. Trudeau isn’t tired of all the destruction he’s doing to our country. He’s tired of us knowing about it. But he’s found a way to help fix that 😊