Donald Trump’s plan to end war is to force Ukraine to give up territory


  1. TheKingofAndrews on

    Imagine fighting for Ukraine for 3 years and everything you went through was negated by Donald Trump who is going to force you to give up territory to the Russians. What did that fighting even mean?

  2. I wonder what kind of intelligence briefings Individual 1 will be receiving this campaign season.

  3. Not only that – he’ll stoke internal divisions and balkanize what is left of Ukraine, supporting Pro-Putin flunkies. You have to remember that his campaign manager (Manafort) worked for Yanukovych – the fucking asshole literally chased out of Ukraine spite of significant Russian meddling to keep him in power.

    Trump and most of the GOP are Putin stooges. It’s plain and simple.

  4. PeptoMartini on

    I really hope after he loses, he eats a polonium hamberder. At that point he will have outlived his usefulness as a Russian asset.

  5. WisemanMutie on

    “But Trump and Biden have the same foreign policy!”

    You still think so? lmao

  6. The plan is called Surrender to Putin and Trump’s people have been pushing for it since the beginning. I think the Republicans believe all things must be surrendered to Putin.

  7. SpillinThaTea on

    A) This would ruin America’s credibility on the world stage. Our ability to project power and deter bad actors would be gone forever and will never come back.

    B) It’ll send a message to Putin that he’s free to do this with other countries. Georgia will be next. Guarantee it.

    C) This is what Putin wants.

    D) This is most important too. Trump people will see this as a win for trump. His pacifying Putin will be seen as this big peaceful move when it’s anything but.

  8. Ughhhhhh…. That f***ing guy gives me the ick every time. He’ll put the dic in dictator. G0d damn fascist BS and they want to turn the country into Russia or North Korea without even realizing it. They want to take away the rights of the liberals at the cost of their own souls. By the time they realize what’s going on it’s going to be too late.

  9. Fine-Benefit8156 on

    His plan is to pull out of NATO so his sugar daddy Putin can swallow up neighboring countries.

  10. They’ll just have to give up the territory that’s called ‘Ukraine.’

    And he’ll take a few pallet-loads of gold.

  11. Trump will absolutely do Putin’s bidding if he wins the election in 2024. Without a doubt.

  12. Baller-on_a-budget on

    Trumps in no position to comment. What with Putins wiener in his mouth.

  13. HappyAmbition706 on

    That won’t even stop the war, just put it on pause until Putin is ready to take the next chunk. Unless by “give up territory”, Trump means all of Ukraine.

  14. TintedApostle on

    Trumps entire life is about getting what looks good for him regardless of the cost to everyone else.

  15. thedishonestyfish on

    To give Russia whatever they want, you mean. 

    Look at the “Munich Compromise” of 1938, and think about how well that worked to prevent World War Two.

  16. HallIntrepid6057 on

    It has actually crossed my mind that Trump would potentially gift Alaska to Putin as well. After all, he hates Murkowski who voted against him in several key pieces of legislation (ACA) and voted to impeach him. He hand picked someone to run against her, and Murkowski still won. Sarah Palin who he also endorsed lost to a democrat. Alaska has hurt his ego bad and he would probably not think twice about giving it up to avenge his butthurt.

  17. BonerStibbone on

    I’m honestly surprised Donald hasn’t been assassinated multiple times over by the number of groups he has or is planning to destroy. His security can’t be *that* good…

  18. He has no real plan. He is a toddler with an audience of idiots. I hate this timeline.

  19. Everyone talking about how he’s already compromised 100% Putin Shill is actually burying the lease: he’s actively soliciting Russian help by promising favorable outcomes.

    He knows the Presidency is his *very literal* get out of jail free card, and will absolutely cut any corners to make it happen.

    This is him begging foreign actors for helpful interference.

  20. TintedApostle on

    We gave him the Sudetenland and he promised that would end all aggression. Peace in our time!

  21. Biden needs to get off his ass, now.

    Send enough weapons to keep Ukraine going for a year at least.

    Still not even one jet delivered.

  22. Cold-Change5060 on

    Donald Trump doesn’t have a plan.

    He doesn’t even know where Ukraine is.

    He’s just saying Putin’s plan, as he was told.

  23. CasuallyMisinformed on

    What happened the last time the West used appeasement with dictators?

  24. IllIllllIIIIlIlIlIlI on

    That won’t be the end of the violence. If Putin conquers Ukraine, that will be the beginning of the violence. He’s not just going to let all those people live.

  25. As if Russia will accept that a not immediately try and move in more as soon as the believe Trump will fully block any more aid to Ukraine.

    If he wins, the global economy is going to be an absolute mess. MAGA doesn’t seem to understand that instability in Europe has broad impacts across the globe. You can have Europe in a state of possible war, or direct war, if Poland or Estonian get attacked, and think it won’t impact us.

    Absolute morons. I swear, Trump makes it harder and harder for me not to conclude that he is either working with/for Putin, or that Putin has something on him that allows him to control Trump. It is just so freaking weird.

    An RNC ranking official just said Ukraine is a US adversary.