1. Fine-Benefit8156 on

    Too bad he couldn’t spin this story. He used to make up stories how he helped people. One of the story was he paid for a guy’s mortgage for helping him with flat tire. All lies, of course, but this is how build up his followings.

  2. SpecialistAdvantage6 on

    Yes guys, the former president refused to click tip on his doordash. He was probably busy with his 9-5 and folding laundry

  3. SubstantialPressure3 on

    I doubt he paid for it himself. Curious how many people are on that staff. That’s a lot of McD’s.

  4. TheElectricSoup on

    Surprised he paid at all. Usually he refuses to pay his bills then goes to court over it

  5. seeafillem6277 on

    So low class. He’s in the one of the greatest food cities in the entire world and he orders….McDonald’s. Says it all about this POS.

  6. Rich-Appearance-7145 on

    This guy’s such a Grifter, I bet he’s like one them influencers who eats a meal and expects it to be perked. In trade for mentioning locaion the online. It don’t surprise me he don’t tip, news would be, he left a hundred dollars tip.

  7. Lobster_titties on

    Ok, the dude is a clown but who cares if he tips or not? A tip isn’t something that should just be expected, personally I never tip unless I’m given exceptional service. You want extra money from me? Earn it. 

  8. Intrepid_Echo6956 on

    I don’t eat McDonald’s so I have no reference to prices. I also realize this is a McDonald’s in NYC…

    But how much food does $500 buy at the average McDonald’s? I presume he’s buying lunch for his lawyers and such. Is he trying to curry favors with court staff and/or the judge by buying him/them McDonald’s too? $500 seems like a lot of “food” from a shitty fast food joint. Who the hell is all that food for?

  9. jbertrand_sr on

    You don’t think he used his own money to pay for the $500 of McD’s do you. Ma and Pa maga paid for that…

  10. Fuckface-vClownstick on

    At least he made some $ overcharging the Secret Service for Micky D’s.