This business is being featured recently on social media and it definitely gives out serious pyramid scheme vibes. They are also doing a promotional event at a well know hotel in Sliema.

I feel sorry for people that fall for their schemes thinking they can get rich quick. My question is; how is this allowed to function without being audited properly? Is there a way of halting it?

Posted by Zealousideal-Poet-56

1 Comment

  1. rhinosorcery on

    Aw this stuff is scary ah.  An ex colleague of mine, considerably well educated and in a position of quite some responsibility, tried to rope me.into the most ridiculous MLM.  Literally 5 minutes on their website and I found the legal declaration, basically stating how many people earn how much.  Basically, everybody loses everything is an admission on their site.

    I don’t know how some otherwise normal and level headed people fall for this stuff. Â