People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister

Posted by KongVsGojira


  1. Express-Doughnut-562 on

    >Stride said a “whole plethora of things”, such as talking therapies, social care packages and respite care, could be used as alternatives to benefit payments.

    Could? *Could be used?* Sorry is this not the absolute fucking basic provision for people with low level mental illness? Are the government now just openly admitting they don’t provide basic healthcare?

    If you provide appropriate person centred treatment & force employers to make reasonable adjustments for lots of mental illness you won’t need to provide benefits – because you’ll help those people. Like anyone with half a brain can see that one.

    Like we don’t expect someone with a broken leg to go on long term benefits, because we will treat that broken leg.

  2. Whiskey31November on

    Anyone else bored of politicians thinking they have better medical knowledge than qualified and experienced doctors?

    I feel like this just plays directly into the hands of what Dr Dan Poulter, the latest person to defect from the Tories, has been saying about the Tories’ NHS record.

  3. preposterouspoophole on

    It’s much more difficult for people with depression or anxiety to get PIP as it stands, typically having to go to tribunals to get it. It’s at these tribunals that they actually listen to medical assessments from the patient’s doctor, something the PIP assessors regularly dismiss/ignore.

    I believe PIP is usually awarded for a shorter term for illnesses like depression/anxiety as well, like 1 or 2 years at a time.

  4. mustbekiddingme82 on

    This won’t get through because they’re not going to be in power to implement it. The Tories are at their most desperate, and are showing their true colours. Nasty, spiteful, selfish ghouls, who’d throw their own grandmother under a bus

  5. These guys are just throwing shit at the wall now, none of the policies they are talking about right now will see implementation before these criminals are forced out of office.

    It’s all just headline baiting to try and persuade the remaining right wingers who aren’t quite reform-level dumb to keep voting Tory because they’re being tough on immigrants/crime/poverty/young people/LGBTQ+ people. Delete as applicable.

  6. Witty_Magazine_1339 on

    Or perhaps, deal with the societal problems, ie. unstable housing, cost of living, long term physical health conditions etc that is causing the rise in depression and anxiety in the first place.

  7. Ok-Charge-6998 on

    Maybe empathy tests should be mandatory before people can go into politics. How you can be so needlessly cruel for the sake of a vote is ridiculous.

  8. Christ. Nice of them to tell me that my life is meaningful only as long as I remain a healthy taxpayer. The moment I have a MH wobble, the system I pay into won’t be there to support me, because my health issues don’t have parity of esteem with physical pain. 

    Death rattle of the nasty party. Fuck the Tories.

  9. Spiritual-Bid7460 on

    Remember that taking care of your health is an investment in your future.”

  10. Kitchen-Tension791 on

    My question is this, who do Tories think this appeals to? How will this win them votes.

    As someone who had major depression but luckily my employer supported me, I can see how bad it can be and how bad the health care we have in place now.

    This will all end badly and honestly, I think it will massively increase suicide rates.

    Heartless fuckers

  11. davidlpool1982 on

    Are Reform UK really that much of a threat to their voting base that they will say anything short of sending people to jobs camps to try and stop them getting any ground?

    Last time they were this scared of another right wind party we got the Brexit Referendum for god’s sake…

  12. JazzybmzooUK on

    Yep – this’ll definitely help. Good old Tories – looking after the population.

  13. I had to jump through hoops for 2 and a half years to start recieving PIP, despite having severe mental illness all my life, anyone who thinks PIP is showered around like confetti must be thick as pigshit

  14. Duanedoberman on

    >While he sought to portray the proposals as part of a “grownup conversation”

    When Tories use the phrase *Grownup Conversation* what they actually mean is that someone is going to get badly hurt.

  15. Apprehensive-Sir7063 on

    It’ll lead to suicide as the NHS isn’t adequate to treat and why they’re on benefits

    I have bipolar last winter as under medicated I was so fatigued my heart rate went into the 40s I was cold all the time, when I’d walk anywhere I felt exhausted and blood pressure would spike and heart rate on a slow walk to 150.

    Then I developed a headache I’ve had every day since along with body aches

    I had know idea that could happen in depression.

    They really can’t cut benefits as there is a lack of psychiatric care it’ll lead to deaths and court cases.

    People only get on disability for depression if it’s treatment resistant ie tried 3 or 4 anti depressants well you’d hope theyd be given those first but I assumed they’re considered as treatment resistant. If you try 4 or more there’s a 70 percent chance you have elevated inflammation and that’s causing your depression. They don’t automatically treat inflammation unless you have physical symptoms or auto immune disease.

    Inflammation blocks the conversion of tryptophan into 5htp and then serotonin and raise glutemate in the brain so it can make people depressed and anxious.

    What the government suggests is torturing people who already feel pretty unwell.

    Care must improve and it must be their doctors who say if they can work. People who know their cases.

    They’re picking on the most vulnerable and that is extremely risky. They should only take people off of it if they’re now considered well but they’re not doing that they’re saying depressed and anxious people have to work.

    It really is disgusting what they’re doing and the disability figure only climbing due to the way the NHS has been underfunded. I don’t think their funding increased with inflation so a cut essentially.

    Sooner conservatives get out of power the better and if labour does the same thing they can face the protests.

    The protests will be big I think, people’s friends and family know their struggles.

    And coincidentally in time for elections when they need Conservative votes. They really aren’t the same party, right wing elements have distorted them to the far right.

  16. SwirlingAbsurdity on

    I love how they act like depression and anxiety are ‘mild’. In the throes of my panic disorder I couldn’t go to the bloody supermarket without having a panic attack, and I was always a super sociable person. Thankfully the panic disorder is controlled by citalopram but it took a good couple months to kick in. I had the option of being signed off work but I knew going back would be ten times harder so I didn’t take it, but I can understand why some people need the respite. The ironic thing is, it was work and a particular manager that led to my panic disorder. Maybe we should start by looking at what triggers these mental health conditions, but oh nooooooo just best to demonise everyone instead.

  17. DeathByLemmings on

    Fucking hell

    These assholes think that depressed people are using it as an excuse to not work?


    ooooh my god I need to go take a walk

  18. Ok-Witness4724 on

    And what will we do about the obvious epidemic of sociopathy amongst politicians?

    Oh yeah, vote them out!

  19. RaymondBumcheese on

    Fingers crossed quite a few Tory MPs are going be at the ‘find out’ stage in the next few months. 

    Every single one of them could do with a rotation through our glorious benefits system. 

  20. Cynical_Classicist on

    Well, that’s really going to help their depression or anxiety. Do the Tories just enjoy living up to the stereotypes that people have about them or is that just an added bonus to the job?

  21. it’s insane how fast we are screeching backwards on so many issues. it took decades to get this level of support and it’s still lacking. and now the tories have decided we don’t deserve it, despite us all having paid for it through taxation. why do we let such out of touch, heartless, cruel assholes rule over us like this? i can’t wait until they’re gone. i’d sooner gouge my own eyes out than ever look at another despicable fucking tory.

  22. Given that PIPs routinely refuses to give benefits to people with terminal cancer i somehow doubt that many people with only anxiety or depression are recieving huge amounts.

  23. Noobhammer9000 on

    Tory 1: “Hey, why is this dying husk of a country not making us money anymore?”

    Tory 2: “Did you try kicking it harder?”

  24. The suicide rate will skyrocket. They know this.

    This is beyond callous. It is psychopathic.

  25. ConnectPreference166 on

    This government doesn’t care about mental health. Just want everyone to work themselves to death. Next thing they’ll be stopping paupers funerals.

  26. If these inhuman scumbags put a tenth of the effort they put into torturing the sick and disabled, into combatting tax evasion, can you imagine the colossal difference this would have on the amount of tax money being collected?

    But of course they won’t, because they’re not going to shoot themselves in their own feet, are they?

    Who actually falls for this nonsense? I’m sick of this ridiculous bunch of people. I’ve seen more compassion in a pile of dog shit.

  27. One of the biggest issues with this is there’s going to be a certain stigma to it, if someone goes into tesco with a food voucher, all the staff are probably going to know you have mental health issues, when quite frankly it should be confidential.

    It also won’t stop those who have substance abuse issues or just don’t want to spend their money on food as they’ll just sell these vouchers for less than the value.

    Another important factor is when someone has mental health issues they need support, if they can only buy food how are they going to have a social life? Despite the stigma towards them, people on benefits are people too and should be able to have a social life too. I actually see this as an important factor, if they become isolated I see problems becoming worse for them.

  28. Well this seems like an easy vote winner for Labour, providing they make their stance not to go after PIP clear to the public.

  29. TruestBrexitGeezer on

    Step 1: Cripple social programs that help the vulnerable people

    Step 2: Place vulnerable people into the line of fire by taking their meager benefits they need to live

    Step 3: Wonder why everyone detests you and is looking forward to you getting trounced in the next general election

  30. SirHumphreyAppleby- on

    I see suicide rates sky rocketing.

    Is he going to accept the blame for needless deaths? I doubt it.

  31. Tell you what… You actually start providing the mental health services and if people recover, they’ll stop needing the payments.

  32. RandonEnglishMun on

    At what point do we start rioting? They starve our children, steal our money, destroy our health system and we still do nothing. When the french government tried to up the pension age by two years the entirety of France was up in arms about it, dare I say it’s time we took a page out of the French’s book?