Is it possible to find a comfortable chair for working at the computer, which would be without wheels, would be stylish, would not clutter up the room? The point is that the workplace will be in the bedroom, I often work from home, there is not much space, and all the very comfortable work chairs are large, ugly, not suitable for the interior, a small table, with wheels. Is it more a matter of getting used to it, or is it still not advisable to sit on such simple chairs for 8 hours a day? I am attaching a photo of what I mean. Maybe there are some stores that adapt similar style chairs for work?

Posted by Still_Drop111


  1. Soggy_Meaning7913 on

    Suprantama, kad norisi grožio kambaryje. Bet nugara tau tikrai padėkos, jeigu pirksi tą griozdiškesnę, bet ergonominę kėdę.
    Covid laikais, kai teko padirbėti iš namų, man nugarą iškart pradėjo skaudėti po 2 savaičių darbo prie paprastos kėdės. Darbas sureagavo žaibiškai: užsakė papildomai ofiso (ergonomines) kėdes naudoti namuose. Ir nugaros skausmai dingo akimirksniu.
    Tad.. Tau spręsti 🙂