Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution

Posted by gotshroom


  1. Survey finds that 100% of all plastic producers are responsible for all of the world‘s plastic pollution 😱

  2. If Coke Cola gave a crap, then they would use glass again in the country without recycling.

  3. Countries responsible for the biggest plastic pollution in our oceans: 

    1. India (126.5 million kg). 
    2. China (70.7 million kg). 
    3. Indonesia (53.3 million kg). 
    4. Brazil (38 million kg). 
    5. Thailand (22.8 million kg). 
    6. Mexico (3.5 million kg). 
    7. Egypt 2.5 million kg). 
    8. United States (2.4 million kg). 
    9. Japan (1.84 million kg). 
    10. United Kingdom (0,703 million kg). 

    Source: [*(CIWEM)*](


  4. Oh. Consumers are not responsible? I guess I’ll throw my next shampoo bottle in the sea and blame it on the manufacturer.

  5. Meanwhile indians coming to Europe because they polluted their own country and cannot live there anymore.

  6. spastikatenpraedikat on

    What the article really is saying:

    “60 firms produce half of the world’s plastic”.

    And yes, sure, if they wouldn’t produce it, it could never become pollution. But the truth is, the plastic is used to satisfy the demand of the general population.

  7. Robert_Grave on

    And the 60 biggest chemical producers are responsible for X amount of chemical pollution.

    And the 60 biggest oil companies are responsible for X amount of oil pollution.

    Like what is even the point of these surveys?

    In the end it comes down to the waste policies of individual countries that create pollution.