McGill says Pro-Palestinian protest encampment has tripled in size


  1. guy_smiley66 on

    To Mods: I realize this may violate Rule 6 because ana rticle on this was posted yesterday. I don;t think it does because this is about the growth of the encampment. It’s dominating the local headlines in Montreal today.

    It’s a quicky evolving situation. If you do remove this, please provide guidelines. I think one post per day for evolving stories like this is reasonable.

  2. They’re already manufacturing consent to roll in the police. Repeating the same lies as the Americans have, “these aren’t students”, “this is organized and funded by Iran”, “There’s been threats and anti-semitism”.

    The protests have risen their organization to counter all the convenient excuses that have been plaguing the topic and missinforming the public. It has been frustrating the American Media (especially social media influencers) in particular because the protesters have closed ranks and elected to have representatives to deal with the universities, police, and media.

    Provocateurs are finding it difficult to get memes since the protesters have decided that Pro-Israel demonstraters are not worth engaging. I found it particularly entertaining watching live streams of Pro-Israel influencers wander around failing to get a rise out of anybody, despite their white woman tears trying to claim it’s anti-semitic to not answer questions and entertain their victimhood complex.

    Another hilarious video had Fox News Anchors give an informative rundown on how the protesters are self organizing on social media, making fundraising calls, and picking Jewish people to represent the media relations and proudly proclaim that is all evidence that this is a fake astroturfing campaign. 2+2 = 5, which is no surprise.

    More and more evidence is coming out about Pro-Israel groups trying to hire people who speak Arabic or look brown to infiltrate the movement and make coordinated defamatory chants, and two weekends ago media blitz attempted to stop the movement with the same old lies and misrepresention.

    One thing that has me greatly encouraged for the future is that finally, the youth are coming out to organize. This is great news for Canada because for far too long the media and government have pushed the narrative that protests and strikes don’t have any effect, that the youth are lazy and self centered. We finally have a generation that has nothing to lose and the moral integrity to take on the Social Regressive Neo-Liberals and the Pink Washed Neo-Liberals.

  3. TsarOfTheUnderground on

    This situation is so weird. The injustice of wealth and income inequality hasn’t provoked this type of response, nor has the erosion of our social services and treasured institutions. Meanwhile, we have a conflict full of moral ambiguity and historical complexity, and it’s the one cut-and-dried issue that can provoke campouts and sit-ins and that type of thing. This doesn’t even compare to similar global atrocities in response.

    Frankly, I find the efforts misplaced here and the situation is beyond strange. You have google employees throwing away their jobs – – acting like THIS is the mask-off incident that proves Google to be evil. Not a peep about the well-known ills of social media, no. This is the moment that Google is the bad guy.

    It’s insane to me, and it undermines my faith that people can identify and act on appropriate protest targets. This feels like corralled, controlled anger. If we were all smart, we’d start camping in about domestic economic issues and the erosion of the middle class, but I guess the students are happy sleeping 6 to an apartment while moralizing about two countries fighting who have fought for their entire history.

    Edit – I’d like to add to this the bizarre nature of the demands of this protest. They want the university to ditch the following investments –

    Like, good luck getting the uni to sell its shares of Coca Cola, L’Oreal, or Volvo.