80% figure for asylum from NI not evidence based – Martin


Posted by miju-irl


  1. I mean, where did McEntee get this figure from if there is no basis for the stats according to Michael Martin?

  2. If it’s not accurate it’s a very dangerous statistic for our justice minister to be proclaiming. Martin seems to be insinuating it’s a “feeling” the justice department has and was hyperbole

  3. OldVillageNuaGuitar on

    >On Friday, Taoiseach Simon Harris said the figures provided by Ms McEntee were based on the number of people registering at the International Protection Office (IPO) in Dublin.

    So the suggestions seems to be that the Department has come to this on the basis that 80% (or thereabouts) are registering at the International Protection Office in Dublin, rather than declaring at airports or other ports of entry.

    I suppose one obvious possibility as well as the UK suggestions, is that word has got around about the document checks on airplanes, and that more might be waiting to declare until they’ve left the airports.

  4. SpareZealousideal740 on

    Pretty much what I said a few days ago. They’ve no actual stats for it. They seem to be basing it off people arriving at IPO office having not claimed asylum at a port or airport which is a ridiculous way to claim they all claim via NI

  5. chiefmoneybags15 on

    If anyone has watched The Expanse, there’s a scene in it with Undersectary Errinwright talking about the leader that makes me think of Helen. He says, *”He doesn’t care about treason. That’s just him parroting you because you talked to him last. If he spoke to a janitor, he’d be passionately declaiming about a fucking mop! It’s agonizing!*

    She probably just heard 80% and ran with, absolutely clueless. Disgraceful that she is kept in such an important job, most likely because no one would take it at this point.

  6. High_Flyer87 on

    This is FF readying themselves to pull the plug on the Government.

    Think they are going to attempt to absolve themselves of responsibility for this shitshow fairly lively. It will ruffle feathers in the Govt.

    If Harris wants to save things he needs to row in and sack McEntee.

  7. I get the sense that MM would be only too happy to fight an early election on immigration with a weak MoJ and barely in office a wet weekend Taoiseach

  8. eggsbenedict17 on

    Ha ha classic. Obviously the figure was bullshit, it was based on people not presenting at airports/ports for asylum. But they don’t check them there anyway? So they have no reliable statistics.

    She really is such a clown.

  9. Gold_Effect_6585 on

    There’s no time for evidence these days. We just jump at the max of anything and get angry.