The biggest Western banks that remain in Russia paid more than 800 million euros in taxes to the Kremlin last year. This is a fourfold increase over the pre-war situation. And this despite promises to minimize their business in the country after Russia’s open invasion of Ukraine.

The seven European banks with the largest assets in Russia – Raiffeisen Bank International, UniCredit, ING, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and OTP – reported a total profit exceeding three billion euros in 2023.

Because of the surge in profitability, European banks paid around €800 million in taxes, compared to €200 million in 2021, according to a Financial Times analysis. Added to this were the profits of American financial houses such as Citigroup and JPMorgan.

The taxes paid by European banks, equal to around 0.4% of all expected non-energy budget revenue in Russia in 2024, are an example of how foreign companies staying in the country are helping the Kremlin maintain financial stability despite Western sanctions.

Foreign lenders profited not only from higher interest rates, but also from international sanctions imposed on Russian banks. These measures deprived their competitors of access to international payment systems and increased the attractiveness of Western banks themselves for clients in the country.

More than half of the 800 million euros that European banks paid in taxes goes to the Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), which has the largest presence in Russia among foreign financial houses.


Posted by First_Platypus3063


  1. DueWolverine3500 on

    Kohokoliv kdo dělá v businessu tohle nepřekvapí. Ve spoustě odvětví ty obchodní objemy narostly. V tom mým se s rusama uzavřely takový dealy, jako nikdy předtím. Oni teď platí premium za to že jsou kontroverzní a chápou to, vždycky byli pragmatický. 

  2. Ambitious-Meet-5690 on

    Raiffka mně neudivuje. Pokud se nemýlím, tak to jsou rakušáci a ty vždycky byli kurvy prodejný. V případě všech ostatních je odvolávání se na etický kodex totální joke, když perou peníze – napříkald Deutsche Bank.

  3. Zase jenom pro kontext, jak vypadají ty sankce, tak ČR za rok 2023 dovezla z Ruska ropu asi za necelých 4,5 mld korun, což je víc než v roce 2022 a představuje to 58% dovozu ropy do ČR. Kromě toho jsme teda taky dovezli paliva z ruské ropy vyrobená.