What to do next?
I was on a tech support chat to get my previous tax residency removed from the account and shared screenshots of my problem. Later, I realised they can see my national number there. The chat has no delete function. Am I in danger of id theft?

According to uio’s website

“If someone has access to your national identity number, it is relatively easy to create a fake ID in your name, but with a different picture. With this ID someone can get new credit cards, mobile phone subscriptions, they can buy expensive items on credit, furniture and clothes etc.”

Wouldn’t anyone who wants to use my id also need to know the password and pass the double authentication?

Also, the agent reassured me that it is safe and the messages are encrypted. But I still want to know if there are any measures I can take to protect myself.


Let me know what steps I should take next?

Edit: typo, added info


Posted by taukeh


  1. It’s not as potent as a SSN in the US. You still need all the other details about you, Bank ID security to clear etc.

  2. Level_Abrocoma8925 on

    You mean your fødselsnumner? That is not enough in itself to steal your identity or do any harm. Also, you were chatting in the Revolut app, right? Then the agent is probably the only one reading your chat so I wouldn’t worry about it.

  3. Your date of birth and five digit id-number is not regarded as sensitive information.

  4. moresushiplease on

    Only way to fix this is to get reincarnated. Just don’t come back as a silverfish.

  5. If someone wanted a Norwegian ssn they could just buy it, 3.3mill was leaked through a hack in 2022