Like what did i get, a 2.3 or 2.8? Is 2.8 the minimum average grade for universities I can apply to with this grade or did i get a 2.8 and if so the what is the 2.3 for?

Posted by ahmadmughal0


  1. Training_Dance_3572 on

    No idea but FYI you still left your full name on here, under the Evaluation title.

  2. SeaworthinessDue8650 on

    You forgot to to cross out your name in the Evaluation Section.

    The 2,3 is just your grade for high school. 

    Your grade is 2,8 for direct restricted entry into technical subjects. 

  3. kariertesZebra on

    This means that your average grade of 2.3 from your home country, converted into German university admission grades, corresponds to an average grade of 2.8 in Germany (for admission to university).