WATCH: Pierre Poilievre refuses to denounce the white supremacists he met with and Alex Jones


  1. UnionGuyCanada on

    Anyone surprised by this doesn’t know all the people that find shelter in the Conservative big blue tent. Abortion ban advocates, Assault weapon ownership advocates, Alex Jones lovers who think mass shootings are faked, super rich antiUnionists, anti vaxxers and on and on. Tories have always loved single issue voters and will never isolate a voter, no matter how divisive the policy.

      Now, if you push for workers rights or climate change legislation, you will be shouted down immediately. Just see their last general meeting where they voted on their platform.

  2. Ugh, this guy. He wants every vote, he doesn’t care who you are or what your believe in. His core principles can be summed up as “Trudeau bad!”

  3. AndOneintheHold on

    This should be the easiest thing in the world to do and yet it’s not. This is like trying to get trump to disavow the Proud Boys and the klan. Fine people on both sides sort of situation.