What do Germans think of this? NOISE POLLUTION ON AUTOBAHN! People don't live any near by?! Saving fuel, so there could be less CO2?!


Posted by yanimirbb


  1. SinanOganResmi on

    That’s terrible. There should be no speed limit on highways in this modern age, it is so unnecessary. Just a way for the government to fine people and make money.

  2. pengatekemimodjalke on

    Plane bans, autobahn restrictions won’t make people use trains more.
    Having a reliable and affordable train systems makes.

    Oh no, I will use the train now because suddenly I can do just 140 km/h in a Deutsche Autobahn.
    The only reason why I drive is the fact that I can drive 250 km/h and share a video on YouTube with an exaggerated facial expression and “this is crazy” thumbnail.

  3. ZalmoxisRemembers on

    It was bound to happen sooner or later with the evolution of engines and car tech as well as the increase in population.

  4. Yes, people who travel over 150km/h are exactly the kind of people that go take the train if they’re no longer able to.

  5. This makes no sense. The car industry is heading towards electric engines, they are quiet and don’t require gas.

    What if, instead of this dumb fuckery, build a few nuclear power plants? And stop green washing the burning of natural gas?

  6. dirkvonshizzle on

    After the experience me and my friend had over the course of this last month with the Deutsche Bahn, I pity the fools that indeed end up substituting their cars for travel by rail in Germany… good god what an absolute mess of a rail system.

  7. Illuminaughty99 on

    German trains already cant keep up with the current influx of passengers that the new nationwide ticket has brought, They need to make major investments in the infrastructure first, but spending is unpopular right now and no one likes construction sites that limit the railways even further

  8. Yeah I’m avoiding the train by any costs. Bahn is the Worst „company“ in Europe. They can’t even be on time when they have only one stop inbetween. I’m sure limiting the speed on the autobahn will safe planet earth!!! 😂

  9. yeah just let me use the train which takes hours more, bad time schedule and unreliable. They barley can handle the passenger load right now.

    Give me a perfect train system that stays on time +-1 min and is cheap, then I will take it all day long and keep mycar as fun/weekend one.

    No speed limit is amazing, nobody is doing max top speed 24/7 people usually drive around 150-180 km/h which is totally fine.

  10. Yeah that is why the car party which is sponsored by Volkswagen (FDP) will not do it…

  11. Particular-Thanks-59 on

    How about making proper train infrastructure first? German trains aren’t exactly known for their punctuality

  12. polaroid_kidd on

    Every time this is posted, the same discussion happens. 

    It’s not going to happen.  Stop trying to blame a few 100km of no speed limit autobahn responsible for fuel consumption and co2 levels. Blame those responsible, the corporations whose greed for profit outreach the foresight of the people running them.

  13. Floweringfarmer on

    I recently traveled with Deutsche Bahn I can’t imagine you want to do that everyday.

  14. It would be the sensible thing to do. But with regards to cars it’s impossible to change anything in Germany. We‘re one of the most carbrained societies on the planet.

  15. EndlichWieder on

    This is a hill many Germans are absolutely willing to die on, for no fucking reason. Like the Americans and the Second Amendment. Pure stubbornness.

  16. Thunderbird_Anthares on

    ive only driven across germany a few times and i know its a stupid ass suggestion

    someone probably trying to farm feelgood popularity votes without actually doing anything useful, again

  17. Unrestricted autobahns should be an unesco world heritage site! 

    Off your hands from this treasure! 🙌🏻 

  18. Every country has their 2nd Amendment thing, it sounds good to restrict or to repeal it, but no one wants to. Same here.

  19. I don’t necessarily agree about the training part, because travel by rail here in Germany is messed up if you need to be somewhere at a given time. Even unpredictable traffic jams are more reliable than DB.

    However, we should enact a maximum speed limit, say 130 km/h, as soon as possible. The faster cars go the more energy they consume, the more pollution they produce and the riskier it becomes. Driving on the Autobahn is insanely stressful because there might always be someone going 120 km/h more than you.

  20. george_watsons1967 on

    same thinking as nuclear. autobahn is cultural heritage. way to kill germany bit by bit greens.

  21. Unless they have negative numbers for the speed limits, driving on the autobahn will always be way quicker than Deutsche Bahn

  22. To anyone that wants to put a speed limit on the autobahn, “go fuck yourselves”.

  23. rocky_rockslide on

    id rather rot in hell than depend on public transportation in germany ever again. Too expensive, to dirty to unsafe too crowded. Hell would be nicer. Working with people all day long….dont want crowded places, air filled with stench of urin and old sweat, people coughing and unreliabel trains/busses on my way home.

  24. What about leaving people be and letting them to decide how they want to travel. Every time some Khmer Green tries to push their overglorified trains down my throat I just hate this ullshit more and more.

  25. MojordomosEUW on

    I never went to a protest, but I‘ll go as far as even organizing one if they ever try to implement a general speed limit on the Autobahn.

  26. Leave the autobahn alone, let people have some responsibility and make choices for themselves. Incredibly tiring these nanny-state loving folks.