Progress made in talks with Liberals but NDP needs ‘clarity’ before deciding on budget: Singh


  1. Dancanadaboi on

    You prop up this mess of a government and the populous will not soon forget it.  Your job is to represent Canadians, not cut deals to keep other parties in power.  This is not how democracy was intended to work.

  2. >NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says progress has been made in talks with the Liberals to secure his party’s support to pass the recently tabled 2024 budget but he wants some “clarity” on measures to ensure the new disability benefit isn’t clawed back by insurers and increased support for Indigenous services.

    >Marilou McPhedran proposed an amendment to the disability benefit bill last year that would ban private insurers from clawing back the new payments from Ottawa. It won support in the Senate but the Liberals rejected it when it returned to the House, saying it could draw legal challenges from industry and prompt a possible jurisdictional fight with the provinces (as the provinces mostly regulate the insurance industry).

    I can’t imagine that the situation here has changed since last year. If anything a jurisdictional fight with the provinces will probably be even messier today given the current climate. I’d hope that the provinces would do the right thing and at least try to work out an agreement with the federal government but I’m pretty doubtful. It’ll be interesting to see if Singh can put enough pressure on them to try to take this fight now, at the very least it won’t be a good look for the provinces to actively fight against helping disabled Canadians.

  3. If the LPC don’t budge the NDP are backed into a corner. Do they really have the backbone to pull the plug?

    The thing is the program was such a lowball and caused so much outrage that even a modest increase would be seen as failure from the NDP. But at the same time I doubt the LPC are willing to increase spending substantially to meet the amount that’s being asked.

    I honestly think there’s a slim chance we’re heading into an election considering the squeeze to both sides here and the implications for either to back down.

  4. Let me guess, the Liberals will announce some task force to create a framework into improving disability benefits.