New Brunswick police no longer investigating most thefts of fuel from gas stations


  1. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    As an Albertan, I didn’t even realize fuel theft was still a thing. Paying at the pump is so painless that I assumed that everywhere did it now.

  2. Lightning_Catcher258 on

    That’s how lawlessness escalates. One step at a time, when you start excusing petty crimes, it grows to a big monster.

  3. New-Swordfish-4719 on

    This Is why I have no faith in crime stats. Many of us don’t bother reporting crimes when they occur…be it stealing gas, breaking into a car or someone smoking crack on a bus stop bench. And it’s not a criticism of the police. They often arrest perps over and over just to have the Justice system have them back on the street next day. Last time my car was broken into I just shoved all he papers back in the glove box and continued with my day.

  4. UnionGuyCanada on

    When your citizens are so desperate that the police can’t keep up with theft from thise mainly trying to survive, toy have made a serious error. Voting Blue and Red for a century, and here we are.

  5. cyclemonster on

    Do the police there respond when a store calls to report shoplifting? Would the police there respond if you called to report that somebody stole your bicycle? They don’t where I live.

  6. PrecisionGuessWerk on

    *coming to a province near you!*

    just add it to the list of things police don’t have time for.

  7. Giant_Hog_Weed on

    Time for free gas boys, the cops will do nothing. I’m filling up for free tonight.

  8. NotFrankZappaToday on

    When the authorities don’t prosecute crime, it means the criminals have won.

  9. That_Sugar468 on

    “Police no longer investigating crime” sounds like typical Canadian police to me!

  10. The police are requesting some pretty basic and non-intrusive steps that would basically stop all fuel thefts. They should still respond to thefts until prepay rules are enacted, but this is them telling everyone “we’re not spending 5000 officer hours a year responding to something you all can quickly and easily stop.”

  11. RupertGustavson on

    Any SMRT people here that could guide us on amending constitution to allow “castle doctrine” like in US? From my limited Google search it’s very hard to amend Canadian constitution. Can we petition?

    The common law principle of “castle doctrine” says that individuals have the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect themselves against an intruder in their home