CSIS director says China’s concerted effort to steal Canadian technology is ‘mind-boggling’



  1. flamboyantdebauchry on

    OMG 😵 china does it to everyone, every company, every country LETS BE REAL imagine the waste of $$$$ for this comedy show

  2. Wait until we start hovering instead of using skates and have electronic hockey sticks.

  3. AustralisBorealis64 on

    Mind boggling indeed. Nortel just gave it to them for free in the 90’s…

  4. CaliperLee62 on

    What’s mind boggling is that the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau seem disposed to allow it.

  5. BackwoodsBonfire on

    IDK. Im pretty sure China is waaay ahead of us. I too would think its mind boggling they would look at our cave-peoplekind economy for anything.
    – They sell an EV for ~10k
    – They have more than 1 high speed train


    We are too busy patting each other on the back for financially raping each other for food, shelter, energy and transportation. You don’t really get anywhere in life if its a struggle for the basics. This is the equivalent of watching the Leafs and trying to learn hockey…..