US military pier in Gaza to cost $320 million, Pentagon estimates


  1. Holy shit that’s a lot of money that the American taxpayer is paying.

    (Not as much for the Israelis though).

  2. WhyDidMyDogDie on

    I wish I could fuck my customers with inflated prices as much as the military does to us.

  3. For everyone saying that this is too much money, what should it cost? I’m not a contractor, so this is out of my area of expertise.

    But I am an accountant, so I am going to assume that figure includes all costs incurred in order to get it up and running.

  4. I really enjoy threads like this where the US military does something nonviolent, progressive and constructive for once, and all they get is shit. Then people wonder why they just bomb people instead.

  5. During WW II D-Day invasion, British developed Mulberry Harbor to facilitate off-loading of cargo ASAP.

    It was meant as temporary and time was of essence and it worked (until storm tore it up).

  6. Oregonmushroomhunt on

    The pier has a floating dock offshore because the coast is too shallow for larger boats, so food is transported on smaller vessels after being unloaded from bigger ships offshore.

  7. Budget_Working2248 on

    Considering the cost, imagine the size of that Ferris wheel. It’d probably cost another 100 mil

  8. Casanova_Fran on

    Its honestly kind of crazy. They built a pier, in an active warzone in less than a week. 

    Alexander the great had to siege tier for like 6 months for the same thing 

  9. SystemErrorMessage on

    The cost isnt well explained. The labour cost here is the military cost. Basically they are saying out of the billions spent for military 320Mill comes from there so only materials are what the US pays for. The labour is paid for regardless.

    Its a way of saying “look at how much money we are putting in to help palestine”

    The US knows palestinians are full of extremists, even they got attacked trying to set up aid. Egypt lost drivers and lories in the process too. But strong democratic pressure forces the countries to give aid even when they dont want it. What’s very puzzling is how many white americans are strongly protesting for palestine even when most want to kill the west.

  10. PricklyPierre on

    Why can’t aid be delivered through Israel? Don’t they have a secure port anywhere?

  11. Iz-kan-reddit on

    This is just the cheap and easy part of the project, out at sea where it’s relatively safe.

  12. ChinaCatProphet on

    What if aid could just come in over land? You know, like it used to. It’s not like the stuff coming in on the $300 million dollar pier magically goes to only the good people either.

  13. vendetta0311 on

    Can’t find some rowboats and lance corporals anywhere? A lot can be done for the price of Rip Its and a box of crayons.

  14. thegoatmenace on

    Can’t wait for this temporary pier to become critical infrastructure that hundreds of thousands of Gazans depend on for survival for the next 75 years