German army captain admits spying for Russia – DW


  1. >According to his account, he was concerned about his family’s safety in the event of a nuclear attack. The officer said he therefore sought contact with Russian authorities to get a heads up on “when it was going to go off.”

    What a fucking idiot, as if Russia would care about some random schmuck in Germany, they’d glass his ass without thinking twice. Honestly I’d guess any nuclear powers wouldn’t risk sending out a warning before a nuclear strike, especially not to some useful idiot who already betrayed his own nation.

    No one likes a traitor, and no one trusts a traitor even if they are helping you. If you are willing to betray your own nation you are also willing to betray all others.

  2. KishiBashiEnjoyer on

    Considering how much of a shit hole Germany has become over the last 20 years there is really no surprise in his actions.

    Feminist foreign policy lmao