Disability claims can’t be made on ‘unverifiable assertions’, argues Sunak in benefits crackdown


Posted by masterblaster0


  1. >When pressed on the hardship that vulnerable people on low incomes would endure without Pip, he said: “That’s why it’s so important that we stick to our plan that’s easing the burden on the cost of living.”

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means

  2. Banditofbingofame on

    Wasn’t the Tories idea to bring in people who aren’t doctors to make unverifiable assertions?

    Rory Stewart said something about the Rwanda plan the other day talking about why people have strong opposition to something a party/government does. It was something like if it is nice but ineffective or cruel but effective.

    Like Rwanda this is both. Attacking people with disabilities is horrific and people can see it for what it is.

    The EU, foreigner, trans people and now the disabled, they are running out of people to ‘other’

  3. after decades of stigma around mental health precisely because they were conditions that were often invisible and hard to address, i thought we’d finally been making some progress… then you get this rich fuckwit taking us straight back to the boomer-era attitudes that led to so many suffering in silence

    I was unemployed over the pandemic because of mental health issues, the policies he’s proposing would have led to me taking my own life as i was not in a fit state to look for work and barely survived off the meagre benefits the state does provide… it was a close call as it is… shockingly the thing that turned it around for me – actually getting treatment (ADHD in my case, though of course i had to go privately) and now i’m back working full time and haven’t had a depressive incident in over a year

    so if the tories are genuinely concerned about the rise in poor mental health how about fixing the fucking NHS… though that would take some actual competence, much easier just to punch down and rile-up the more depraved elements of your voter base instead ><

  4. masterblaster0 on

    For some time the cons had been trying to break away from the ‘nasty party’ label. Patel, Braverman and now Sunak seem to really embrace it. Doubling down on being a nasty fucker to appeal to all the other nasty fuckers right before they call an election. He clearly wants to grab the reform votes.

  5. Even when you have verifiable evidence you still get denied anyways because they don’t give a shit, I provided them with hospital documents, surgery confirmation letters, an actual letter from my surgeon written to them, had two in person meetings about my claim in which I demonstrated how shitty my physical long term disability is whilst wearing a fucking knee brace with my recent surgery scars visible and all I got was a generic rejection letter

  6. Shorteningofthewahey on

    The title sounds reasonable, no? You can’t be paying out benefits for life for claims that have no proof for obvious reasons, surely?

  7. This is dangerous. I suffer from severe mental illness and was unable to prove it. They gave me so little I had to steal food to make my income meet my outgoings. Making things harder on people like us is going to cause more deaths.

  8. Are they planning on loosing the election? This is just extra cunty even by their usual standards.

  9. ICutDownTrees on

    These fuckers can’t clamp down on the ppe frauds but they will go after the disabled

  10. Key_Following_7681 on

    > Mr Stride said the system should not be paying people to deal with the “ordinary difficulties of life” and suggested that many voters “deep down” agreed with him.

    They’re saying depression and anxiety is people being a bit sad who need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they’re pandering to the ignorant who do think this, none of them even believe any of this they’re just evil.

  11. Ok-Wrap-6871 on

    “Unverifiable” that must be like when I had a Professor of Nurology saying one thing but the Health Care Professional at my assessment (A physiotherapist) said I was fine. Thus unverifiable by the standards set.

  12. The Tories are like middle aged comedians who complain about being cancelled because they constantly punch down while still being I’m positions of power and make lots of money

  13. What annoys me the most about his attack on the PIP benefit is that people who get PIP can still work. To imply that everyone who gets this benefit is work-shy is terrible.

    I used to work as a live-in carer and I have worked with loads of disabled people who had jobs. Getting PIP actually made it easier to cover the extra costs of disabled which meant they were able to work.

  14. Thorazine_Chaser on

    The idea that a significant percentage of the huge increase in people receiving LT sickness benefit for mental health reasons could benefit instead from more treatment is good.

    The massive growth in people receiving this benefit is not plausibly genuine but we also cannot assume there has been no increased genuine need. Treatment expansion is a good solution.

  15. AgeingChopper on

    Well that is strange. My claim for mobility help required documents from rheumatology confirming my inflammatory arthritis, late diagnosis , and the growing damage to my spine that’s lead to me not being able to walk.

    When did x-ray, MRI and expert rheumatology become “unverifiable assertions “?

     Sunak is making it up again.

  16. Brave_Promise_6980 on

    If you have no arms and no legs you can still work in a call center – Sunak

  17. AlyssInAzeroth on

    Why has no one mentioned the justification for these crackdowns is a projected 2030 estimate of the cost of Pip payments, based on the increases seen from 2020-2023 – you know, COVID.

    This projection is not accurate and anyone with half a brain cell can see that basing your predictions on a particularly turbulent time is not gonna yield accurate results.

    Statistics once again being abused and misrepresented to further an aggressive and evil agenda.

    We don’t need a benefits crackdown and anyone who’s received emergency benefits within the last decade can tell you how bare bones the service actually is

    Edit: Now that I’m thinking about it, 3 points is the bare minimum to form a straight line. This is really bad math.

    Edit2: They increased the amount of Pip payments to match inflation and the triple lock twice during this time period: once in 2020 and once again in April. So this prediction includes 2 inflation increases. The misrepresentation is actually insane.

  18. I have bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed later in life having worked in professional roles for 20 years, although the second 10 years of that was plagued with mental health issues and absence. There are days I feel ok, and days I am a mess. I don’t know which day is going to be which. So I don’t currently work.

    However, proving this is very difficult and my PIP claim has been rejected twice. My current application has been in for nearly 2 years without resolution. I have to live incredibly frugally; I have to choose between having counselling and support (as there are no free options for someone like me who has a long term condition – I have used them all up) or having petrol in my car some weeks.

    PIP was made for this. No employer will take me at my age with my track record and health problems; if I want money I have to find self employment, but sustaining it is so difficult with bipolar. And yet people like me are being demonised because “you just feel a bit sad sometimes”.

    I just wanted to give this story as context. I know many of you see what’s going on here, that the government is running to the right because of the election, but is giving people permission to have these attitudes, to “other” those who can’t cope without support. I am tired and I hate it.

  19. Angelwings17 on

    You know, if they really wanted to understand the people, they should live a full week on benefits – no posh house, food, car or job. The whole walk a mile in my shoes thing.
    I doubt they would last two days.

    Me and my son suffer from serious anxiety and have bad nerves from a serious past event. I am a very nervous person and am the main carer for my son who has autism and ADHD.
    I worry that I will be forced into work, I won’t be able to cope.

    It’s fine them saying “The people on disabilities will go to work after having therapy” – I’m sorry, but the world doesn’t work like that. Not everyone is gaming the system, there are genuine people who just can’t work and making them do so will be a disaster waiting to happen.

    They don’t live in the real world and have no idea how hard it is for people to survive.

    They are too busy in their luxury cloud castle in a fairy tale world to realise that they are all full of hot air.

  20. Itchy-Astronomer174 on

    What you mean people have to prove the things they claim?!

    What an outrage.

  21. LazarusOwenhart on

    I have an invisible disability that prevents me from working. I guess I just… die?

  22. FreeTheBorgs3 on

    THEY’RE NOT!!! Even with medical evidence and statements from doctors describing how the condition affects you, people get rejected for PiP. As for ESA…. Yes you can ask for a sick note…. But that’s not a disability claim!?!?!? This guy is so out of touch

  23. Counterpoint, you cannot out a burden of proof behind a broken healthcare system.

    My wife is likely disabled. She cannot say she is disabled because she has now been waiting 88 weeks for a procedure. 

    She is lucky her employers have made adjustments, but if she was unemployed she would need some element of disability benefits. 

  24. Highlyironicacid31 on

    Have the Tories ever, for once, stopped to think that so many people are suffering with mental health problems because of how difficult they have made life to navigate for millions of people? Mr Sunak, you and your party and responsible for this mess. You removed our support systems and healthcare, now you advocate for more of the same as a solution? Beggars belief. Get fucked you out of touch cunt.

  25. Decievedbythejometry on

    But the diagnoses for the majority of mental illnesses are based on self reporting. Anxiety, depression, right through to stuff like schizophrenia. Isn’t that right? That unveriable assertions like ‘I hear voices’ are a major part of the diagnosis?

    I hate these people so much.

  26. The fact that he’s decided to appeal to the voters who want stuff like this and supposedly it’s enough for him to think he’ll have a chance of winning the election from it is depressing, are there really that many people in the country who hate our most vulnerable? It’s sickening. Where is the empathy?

  27. Northseahound on

    While the rich play on Tax Payers money a small minority will be made to pay this latest cut backs that are just purposely made to give the Daily Mail great sensational headlines to boost Tory voters. Evil pure evil this Government will soon be trying to export all Social Care and Benefit claimants soon.

  28. Cynical_Classicist on

    Look Tory base, I am a proper Tory, I’m being nasty to vulnerable people!

  29. The Tories have defunded pretty much every health care and social care budget going, ruined the economy, and generally made life in the UK pretty miserable for millions.

    This has in turn lead to an epidemic of long term mental and physical illnesses because people are crushed by debt, can’t get a dentist, can’t access NHS treatment for their illnesses (physical or mental) or have to wait years for treatment and there is no social support structure or social contract in place anymore.

    Then the Tories are shocked that suddenly there is an influx of people who need benefits to support their illnesses. People can’t ‘get back to work’ immediately if they can’t get treatment immediately.

    Are the Tories actually this stupid or are they legitimately just this malevolent toward people less fortunate than themselves?

    Bafflingly, there are still millions of people who go out every polling day and vote for more of this madness. Shameful.

  30. Environmental-Row-57 on

    My best friend has had narcolepsy for years, and a myriad of other health conditions on top. Had her PIP stopped because when she has appropriate medications she can drive, but even still there are days she won’t drive even with medication.