Most Powerful Republican in Congress Complains He Has No Influence – Mitch McConnell has admitted he can’t control the Republican Party.


  1. NeverReallyTooSure on

    He had the ability to eliminate Trumpism from his party by telling his caucus to vote their concience and by voting to convict. He didn’t and now his party is a bunch of uncontrolable crazies circling the drain.

  2. Demonking3343 on

    What do you expect you welcomed the crazy’s with open arms and now your health is failing, so they know your on your way out. So of course they are not going to listen to a word you have to say.

  3. Mitch McConnell’s Republican Party no longer exists. MAGA won the GOP civil war.

  4. MaxwellUsheredin on

    Retire. It’s laughable to suggest this creamsicle represents modern America’s direction. Who sees AGI when they look at Mitch? Fucking nobody…

  5. Starting to sound a bit like Alan Greenspan.

    Or maybe the dumbass who gave the recipe for Wildfire over to Cersi.

  6. BaseActionBastard on

    motherfucker has like 20 mini-strokes a day, he can’t even control his own turtley appendages.

  7. Of course. That’s the idea of authoritarianism. All authority and power is concentrated into the man at the top and he delegates it to his chosen underlings in return for loyalty. The scope of politics is narrowed down to personal relations with and loyalty to the strongman.

    Mr. McConnel can’t control the Republican party because he isn’t the leader and has been granted no power to control it by said leader. His loss of whatever control he possessed is the logical conclusion of the ideology he condoned and encouraged.

  8. VirtuaFighter6 on

    Nice job, Mitch. The inmates are now running the asylum. Karma for what you did to Obama. You can leave now.

  9. of course he can’t, since it’s not the Republican party anymore. this is the maga swamp party

  10. They know he’s got one foot in the grave already. Why do they care? He weaponized them and now he’s lost control. It’s his own damn fault. I wish there was a hell for him to burn in.

  11. DarkAngel900 on

    If he had any honor, it would be time to admit he disgraced his people and commit Seppuku!

  12. Moscow Mitch knew what he was doing letting orange roll all over the party. He [Mitch] is a cancer on US politics. From the moment he said “I want to make Obama a one term president”, you knew there was no line this fucking nerd with the “smile” of a psychopath wouldn’t cross.

    He stole obama’s SCOTUS seat by using the never before heard excuse of “it’s an election year” and blocked a senate hearing for Garland for a whole year, only to push in ACB in a mere few years later as the election was *already underway* in some states.

    He had the chance – twice! – to get rid of orange, and failed both times. The second time was the worst of the two.

  13. SavagRavioli on

    I think he’s just trying to appear more moderate when all of this is almost directly his fault and there’s no way he didn’t know what he was doing.