A SDLP Councillor who will become the first black mayor in Northern Ireland said she is “deeply honoured” to be nominated for the role

Posted by theseanbeag


  1. RTE have had to restrict Twitter replies following racist comments.

    Most replies are from racist anti immigrant posters before RTE restricted replies. Here is a former refugee who integrated to the point that she is now a mayor and they still don’t want her here.

    It’s not about resources, it’s not about culture, it’s just plain racism.

  2. Wtf did Alex Jones say & why is he commenting on local council elections in Derry.

  3. Aggravating-Rip-3267 on

    It seems that the SDLP Elite Suspended all of their Normal Democratic Process’s to Shoe-horn their preferred candidate in = = Why would a Political Party Suspend all of its Normal Democratic Process’s for this outcome ? !

    Is the SDLP no longer a Democratic Party ? !

  4. Big_Lavishness_6823 on

    Great for her, and progress for society generally, but the SDLP made a balls of it by appointing her without due process.

    The party is on its arse so should be going out of its way to keep local branches and reps onside. Eastwood is a terrible leader, and to have this cock up on his home patch is particularly embarrassing.