Debunked: Image of Garda standoff shared after Newtownmountkennedy protests is AI-generated

Posted by Static-Jak


  1. JealousInevitable544 on

    In fairness, you’d have to have some sort of intellectual disability to think that image was real.

  2. This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

  3. DexterousChunk on

    Facebook is riddled with AI generated pictures. It’s staggering how many people fall for them and they’re obviously not real

  4. ForbesMacAllister on

    Makes the guy in here last night who commented on it as he wanted to move there a tad embarrassed

  5. When all you have is lies and AI images to push your far right agenda, its maybe time to re-evaluate your beliefs.

  6. Ambitious_Bill_7991 on

    I wonder what gives it away? Unfortunately, the dopes who like this are too stupid to realise it’s fake.

  7. High_Flyer87 on

    If you couldn’t tell that image was AI – you should have your rights to the Internet revoked and be sent on a mandatory walk outside the house.

    I seen the comments under the X post. There were people who thought it was real.

  8. JonWatchesMovies on

    No it’s true, I was there. The Guards had those limited edition one-time-only uniforms on for the occasion and all

  9. amadan_an_iarthair on

    I can’t help but feel the poor one writing fact check desperately wants to include, “Of course it isn’t real. I can’t believe I have to type this, the hell is wrong with you people?”