Taoiseach announces plans to clear ‘tent city’ on Mount St


Posted by RealDealMrSeal


  1. Aggravating-Rip-3267 on

    Perfect for Dalkey = = Dalkey will come Forward !

    Dalkey is the Answer.

  2. Ok-Package9273 on

    I don’t know how we deal with this because if it continues we’re going to get lunatics in power that will overstep well beyond just targeting economic migrants posing as refugees.

    It has to be stopped now before fascism becomes in vogue again.

  3. I had to walk past there a few times last week, and the smell is so bad I nearly puked. Something has to be done about it, we can’t let our streets turn into tent cities.

  4. Clearing it is temporary – to eliminate tent city you’d have to erect permanent barriers around the IPO centre as that’s why they’re there to begin with … awaiting the backfire in 3 … 2 …

  5. Just like the last six times…
    Now just dont drop them off up the mountain like you did for paddys day, because thats how you get the IRA.

  6. Arrest and deport people here illegally and then for the remainder they should be detained until there processed. Either with a right to stay or again be deported. Take a hardline now or they’re just going to keep coming.

  7. taibliteemec on

    It’s bad enough that they get reminded of the housing crisis every time they’re at the Oireachtas! Surely you can’t expect them to have to see it when they’re out in Dublin too?


  8. Call me a cynic but the below line screams that we will see scenes like Mayo and specifically Newtonmountkennedy on a more frequent basis. The Government will start railroading folks into anything they can find, locals be damned. I am incredibly jaded to the actions of not just the government here but seemingly across Europe but fuck all will change until some absolute nutjobs are in power.

    *”Mr Harris said there were two aspects to Mount Street. “The first is the need to provide all those vulnerable people living in tents with access to accommodation and a safer setting as quickly as possible.*

    *”The second is that once we clear Mount Street and provide people with a safer setting and access to sanitation, we need to make sure that the laws of the land are applied and it is not allowed to happen again.”*

  9. I walk by this encampment a couple times a week. At the start of the year it wasn’t so bad, about 5-10 tents then just prior to St. Patricks date it was cleared. At that time there was around 10-20. Their relocation after St Patrick day lasted 2 days before the place ballooned to what it is now.

    They can move them on but i cannot see how they’ll hold them wherever they move them to.

  10. Simple solution deport all them that is camping outside until the next ones camp outside and keep deporting. Until we clear or ship this mess back to where it came from….not that simple but would love it to be.

  11. Serious question, where are these people going to go? They’ve been given tents because there’s no accommodation. Because it’s in the capital, they’ll move them on.. but where? What comes after shitting the bed, because it’s this.

  12. United-Pension1018 on

    A town is been built with no planning permission in the most beautiful part of Wicklow, Kippure. This is where they be putting them. You couldn’t make it up.

  13. Prestigious-Main9271 on

    Two things need to happen. A fully fledged renters strike for as long as it takes – can’t evict everyone at once and 2. Consistent peaceful protests in all our towns and cities. Be noisy as fuck. Have a Gillet jeaune or yellow jacket movement here. The government will then be forced to act. That’s the only way. The reason we have a housing crisis and an immigration crisis is because we as a nation are too soft. We don’t protest. We don’t agitate. We submit and vote the government in again. Change nothing. Nothing changes. We deserve better but our inaction is costing us. Overseas pension funds own most of the apartments here. Fucking French, German and Italians!! Our rents are paying their pensions. When are we going to wake up and stop accepting this ? As for the immigrants, that’s a very complex issue but we are right to be sending them back to the UK if they entered here through there. Their Rwanda policy is inhumane and disgusting but it is having the desired effect though. Acting as a deterrent. But we can’t let them bully us either.

  14. Today I walked through Naas Main Street and there was a massive line up outside a building first thing this morning. As I got closer I realised they were all asylum seekers and they were waiting outside the food bank.

    I had a very unsettling incident with a Ukrainian man in my driveway giving out fake charity leaflets last week. These people are desperate and have nothing and it’s going to start causing massive issues in towns.

    Is the camp outside of Naas now open does anyone know? I assume that’s why I’m seeing so many of them around if it’s now accepting them.

  15. harvestmoon44 on

    When though? The tents cover both sides of the street now, pedestrians are forced to walk on the road.

    It’s literally unreal, I advise anyone to go take a stroll down mount street this week, pictures don’t do it justice