Video shows moment Hainault sword attack suspect is tasered and arrested

Posted by wowitsreallymem


  1. RNLImThalassophobic on

    I’m no expert, but I feel like there should be some recognition for the lady who tases him second – walking with apparently zero hesitation straight towards a bloke with a sword who has just murdered someone, who you’ve just seen been tased once without any apparent effect.

  2. The rest of Europe, Northern Ireland and the vast majority of the world has no issues with their police officers carrying sidearms.

    Yet here we insist on clinging to old fashioned ideas that constantly put officers and the public at large in greater danger.

    A single officer was able to eliminate the threat in Australia recently, in this case the man was allowed to continue his rampage after officers were already on scene because they were not equipped to handle the threat.

    How many people need to be sacrificed on the altar of “tradition” before we get sensible?

  3. gottacatchthemswans on

    22 minutes until armed police just arrived he’s lucky the 3rd taser worked cause he was seconds away from being shot…

    This clip highlights the flaws in taser and only having a few armed cars to police massive areas. At least this was the Met imagine if this was a village in the sticks then tough luck.

  4. Anarchist-Tuna on

    My heart and mind are with the boy and his family. What a sad day for them…

  5. Aggravating_Usual983 on

    So from a Police perspective I really do wonder when we’re going to follow the rest of the world – Aside I think 3 countries – that routinely arm their Officers.

    Everyone always makes the American example for not arming whilst forgetting that 200 something other countries manage it just fine.

    There was nothing safe about that video, if he had ran at the female officer there she would have been cut. Generally the 21ft rule applies, that’s the time it takes you to draw and respond to a threat running at you, you can cover 21ft in just over a second. She was no more than 6-10 feet away from him, if that final taser shot failed she was then essentially unarmed if he ran at her. She would not have had time to draw and rack her baton.

    Whilst it’s correct that we praise the massive set of nuts they all have charging him down we shouldn’t look past the massive danger they’ve all been needlessly put in because we as a society can’t stop thinking this is America.

    Police Officers aren’t invincible, we should stop acting like we are, we also have families to go home to.

  6. That female officer with the taser is an absolute legend. Funny how 20 other Police come running in to help after he’s lying on the floor soiling himself.

  7. Deadly_Flipper_Tab on

    Convincing police officers they can depend on a taser to put someone down is dangerous.

  8. PhantomSesay on

    Those armed police were ready to drop that guy. He should count himself very lucky they didn’t respond to the scene first. (Even in hindsight they should have)

  9. Some people will watch this and think it’s a good thing we have don’t have routine arming because tasers worked in the end

    But look at the two failed tasers attempts and ask yourself if this was anywhere but a large city and you’ve likely only got one or two officers there at the same time and it puts them in easily avoidable danger if they had access to a firearm

  10. Disastrous_Bad7334 on

    This guy is extremely fortunate the armed police arrived 30 seconds after the officers with tasers. Still, not a fun experience getting tasered at least twice, but better than being riddled with bullets.

  11. bluecheese2040 on

    He’s lucky he wasn’t shot dead. I know wishing death on someone is against the rules here so I’ll not say anything more other than to see…rip the victims….sadly we’ll be paying to keep this cunt in jail for life.

  12. Unfortunately this was at a dreadful time for armed response, these guys likely would’ve been very near to the end of shift or just started they likely wouldn’t have been prepared.
    Something to think about.
    As for regular arming, it’s iffy. I mean, PSNI manages just fine but the general British public may react very differently, look how the Scots reacted to regular armed patrols.
    Plus there’s quite a lack of training already, most of the time is spent learning the law and the odd few days to practical stuff, the training would need to be revamped.
    I’d say most police officers are too afraid to lose their job and face prison plus public naming over use of firearm, I know I wouldn’t want one