Ahhhhh the Burkes.
The gift that just keeps on giving 🤣🤣


Posted by Margrave75


  1. >He gave a provisional view that the WRC and Arthur Cox are entitled to their legal costs but said he will receive submissions if any party contends otherwise.

    Cue one outraged submission in crayon in 3… 2… 1…

  2. Ok-Package9273 on

    There’s very few families I hope go destitute but thankfully the one that I do hope it for is also prone to doing shite like this.

  3. Important_Farmer924 on

    Have they ever won a court case? Like, at what point does this gaggle of cunts decide that maybe going all out shrieking like banshees isnt the way forward?

  4. Equivalent_Two_2163 on

    Now, one plonker dealt with. I wonder will the law society keep her on the roll given her ongoing shitty and let’s be honest, unprofessional behaviour in court.

  5. IntentionFalse8822 on

    So is it the Supreme Court next? I’d pay good money to be in the public gallery when the Burkes finally get dragged out of the Supreme Court kicking and screaming. Is it possible to hold a Supreme Court sitting in Croke Park