Lucinda O’Sullivan’s restaurant review: Peggy’s On The Green brought me back to the days when food in Ireland was abysmal

Posted by 7O8K


  1. >Laughing out loud when my “panfried sea bass” (€26.95) arrived, I said “it looks as if it’s in flight”. Stiff as a board, overcooked to a state of rigor mortis, this sad sea bass fillet sat on a three-storey plinth of tasteless, skin-on “baby boiled” (potatoes) which, in an attempt to be stylishly “crushed”, looked as if they’d been stood on with a size 12 boot. Sitting atop this inedible abstract work of art was a clump of rocket that reminded me of the hair on the Luke Kelly statue. It brought me back to the good old days in Ireland when the food was just abysmal.


  2. Prestigious_Talk6652 on

    That fish looks stiff in fairness.

    How do you even eat off that plate without making a horrible mess

  3. WickerMan111 on

    Back in my day we ate shit food and were happy for it cos we looked after the penny. Not a sniff of lattes and avacado toast like young people have now. They have it too good.

  4. CelticWolfhound on

    Haha I love it. Lucinda is a proper joker. Lives down by me here in D4. She says it how it is. She’s a landlord but one of the harder working ones. She’s a food critic on the side.

  5. Can someone please post the full review? Just seems like click bait when there’s a paywall to view the article 

  6. I always wondered why fish in this country in restaurants is always so expensive? Pan fried sea bass is something I cook for myself on busy days in work when I’m not arsed. It takes about 6 or 7 minutes and it costs me 5€ from Tesco

    Why on earth would I pay 22-30€ for it in an Irish restaurant?