Enoch Burke says fellow prisoners respect him and even give him clothes and haircuts | BreakingNews.ie


Posted by ShouldHaveGoneToUCC


  1. Busy-Jicama-3474 on

    One lad tattooed his name inside a love heart onto the cheek of Enoch’s arse.

  2. Watching_You_Type on

    Sounds like someone doesn’t know that the other inmates have been shaving dicks into the back of his head.

  3. High_Flyer87 on

    Enoch will end up being the newest member of the Kinahan cartel running the West of Ireland division

  4. Prestigious_Talk6652 on

    If he becomes institutionalised he’ll never leave the place. As someone who’s used to a strict regime he may see it as home.

  5. Ok-Yogurtcloset-4003 on

    Goes to show if you’re an annoying, pontificating enough prick. People will do anything to shut you up.

  6. JoyousDiversion2 on

    If there’s one thing I know about prison, it’s never take anything off anyone. You don’t wanna be in debt for a pair of socks, we all know what you’d need to do to pay them off.

  7. Brilliant-Job-4365 on

    Was only thinking the other day, wonder has he managed to get any of them into his cult yet. A lot of people turn to religion when in prison, so not surprised by this.

  8. ya_bleedin_gickna on

    Nobody in prison really gives a flying fuck what a person is in for once it’s nothing to do with a sex crime, crime against children or a crime against women for the most part.

  9. I just wanna know where his family are getting the money for these infinite loop court cases.

  10. I’m sure nobody in prison thinkes he’s a muppet because if he wanted to he could walk out of prison if he just promised to stay away from a school.

  11. I heard he got a great “only god can judge me” tattoo from Damo on the 3rd floor.

  12. amadan_an_iarthair on

    Somehow, I imagine being in prison with him is like the most depressing episode of Oz.

  13. So the other prisoners cut his hair and dress him up against his will. This seems about right.

  14. CalligrapherRare3957 on

    I’m sure he got in quick about how he’s a bigger cunt than any of them. They bought it because it’s true.

  15. KeyboardWarrior90210 on

    I must admit I didn’t think much of Enoch first time I laid eyes on him. He might’a been important on the outside, but in here he was just a little turd in prison grays. Looked like a stiff breeze could blow him over. That was my first impression of the man.

  16. pauldavis1234 on

    Can the mods please delete all the homophobic comments on this thread, it’s sickening.

  17. IntentionFalse8822 on

    I’ve just realised we may have made a terrible mistake. He went in a lone voice howling at the moon. He could come out the leader of a cult made up of hundreds of the most violent members of Irish society.

    What have we done!!!

  18. Minions-overlord on

    Enoch is playing the smart game here.. he has worked out the longer this drags out the more time he gets away from his family.. pop into court each month and throw a bunch of nonsense around, then back to his cell to relax with some smokes and pulling the cable off himself now mammy isnt around. And he still gets paid by the school

  19. Was bound to happen… I mean Tight Arse + Prison I’m sure he is the bell of the ball.

  20. Senior-Scarcity-2811 on

    They are probably just being nice to him because they know he’s a craetor.

  21. morty-vicar on

    He’s such a fine well adjusted young man, just like his brother Ammi.

  22. New-Possession-9248 on

    “fellow prisoners …. even give him clothes and haircuts”

    I think that’s called grooming, Enoch?