Russia Breached Global Chemical Weapons Ban In Ukraine War, U.S. Says


  1. macross1984 on

    Not the first time Russia breached ban on prohibited weapons nor will it be the last.

    At this point, I don’t think Russia care less so long as Ukraine can be defeated.

  2. Why in Iraq was this a red line that caused us to invade, but now its just a shoulder shrug?

  3. Intelligent_Town_910 on

    Having international rules and laws is completely pointless as long as nobody wants to step up and enforce consequences.

  4. OmightyWarLord on

    But cluster munitions or depleted uranium shells are fine right…

  5. Spkr4th3ded on

    Sweet. So guess we can shoot dirty bombs inside Russia now… fair is fair.

    Fly a drone army with dildos on the top over the Kremlin and drop that shit.

  6. FlatwormPositive7882 on

    so what haha. Every international body that raises any concern about anything (ICC, UN) is completely toothless and useless.

  7. Otherwise_Sky1739 on

    Sometimes I see headlines like this and think “is this what’s going to push NATO into direct conflict?” But then I say to myself, “no, it’s just going to be stern disapproval.”.

  8. Westcoast_IPA on

    So we start a war with Iraq because of their alleged chemical weapons but won’t do shit about this.