Macquarie Bank to go completely cashless this month


  1. flubaduzubady on

    They only have a single branch in each capital city, and everyone banks on-line so it’s not likely to affect people much. They don’t really cater to walk-ins like the big three.

  2. Chickeninvader24 on

    I can’t even remember the last time I held on to cash. It’s been ages.

  3. Jealous-Hedgehog-734 on

    If banking is going to be commodified how long before someone creates an overlay that optimises banking for each customer? Like lets say you have a mortgage account, if another bank decreases its interest it could automatically switch providers to get the best interest rate so the client always gets the best deal. This would forve banks to bid against each other for business swinging the tide in favour of consumers.

  4. One-Combination-7218 on

    Everybody who is a member of this bank should withdrawal and go to another bank

  5. ArtificialMediocrity on

    Never heard of Prof Holden, but he’s a complete nitwit. My bank permanently blocked off my internet access so now I have to withdraw cash from the ATM to pay my rent. But now that’s some sort of illicit activity according to this clown, and I must have something to hide.