Hainault sword attack: Man charged with murder after boy, 14, killed and four injured


Posted by pppppppppppppppppd


  1. anybloodythingwilldo on

    That poor boy and his poor family.

    What the heck was behind this?

  2. CensoredTruth0 on

    Can they just tell us who did it already? They will tell release every single bit of information but the most important part.

  3. Kenzie-Oh08 on

    It was so clearly a mental breakdown/psychosis but I’d absolutely urge to take that murder charge cause if they do him for mental health he’ll be in for life

  4. heresyourhardware on

    Presumably will be a litany of other attempted murder and harm charges as well, depending on the psychological state of the perpetrator.

  5. Electronic-Let1426 on

    Maybe he does have mental illness but how come when it’s a Muslim they automatically claim him as a terrorist.. he could be a terrorist and still have mental issues (not condoning terrorism).. also how come it’s not all over the news????

  6. I don’t like Sadiq Khan at all but I don’t get why people are attacking him over ‘knife crime’. This is a random nutcase and they can pop up anywhere in any city over the world. I don’t think we deal with crime properly no and I think there are various complicated factors to rise in total amount of crazy fuckers we have on the streets nowadays, but I don’t see how Sadiq Khan could have stopped this attack.