Russian soldier showing the death and destruction of their position

Posted by Sea_Type9135


  1. Untakenunam on

    What video does not convey about war is the stench. While rear areas have a distinctive feces and diesel pong (a small turd in a shot glass of diesel should convey it to the curious, any G.I knows it) the odor of hundreds of kilograms of decomposing humans from even a skirmish must be unforgettable.

  2. randomname2890 on

    That has to been deaths from over weeks at the same position. If that was from one battle then the KIA rate of this war is terrifying.

  3. C_King2013 on

    Everything is just completely wiped out. I stopped counting bodies after 30. For as long as these guys live (if they even still are), they’ll never forget that smell.