Venezuela, which was the leader in the world high inflation league for a long time, fell to fifth place with an inflation of 67.8 percent in March. Türkiye, on the other hand, rose one more place, surpassing Venezuela, with inflation of 68.5 percent in March.

Venezuela, one of the first countries that come to mind when high inflation is mentioned in the world, fell below Turkey in the rankings.

In the Latin American country, monthly inflation was 1.2 percent in March 2024 and annual inflation was 67.8 percent. In February, annual inflation in Venezuela was 75.9 percent.

In Turkey, the annual official inflation, which was 67.07 percent in February, rose to 68.5 percent in March.

While the Inflation Research Group (ENAG), formed by independent academics, calculated the March inflation in Turkey as 124.63 percent, the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) announced the March inflation as 78.25 percent.

ARGENTINA IS FIRST, TURKEY IS FOURTH According to official inflation calculations, Turkey surpassed Venezuela in the high inflation league in the world in March and rose to fourth place.

Posted by EfendiAdam-iki


  1. DamnToTheCensorship on

    -Optimist mode on-

    İyi Tayyipçiler sadece(bir de Tayyip’in pasif olduğu bir gay kasedi çıkarsa) açlıkla cayar.

    -Optimist mode off-

    Gerçi bize de girecek ama zaten buna müdahele edemiyoruz. Her türlü yaşanıyor zaten. Afrika ülkelerinden daha yüksek yiyecek enflasyonumuz var. Yakında Somali’de Türkiye’ye kurban gönderme kampanyaları başlayacak bu gidişle.

  2. beratwhite on

    Ekonomi düzelmeyecek güney amerikadan bile kötü olacağımızı düşünüyorum