US official urges China, Russia to declare only humans, not AI, control nuclear weapons


  1. Yinanization on

    I don’t know, I trust a well trained AI more than Xi.

    Xi’s reward function is probably very messed up.

  2. Imagine having the Russian and Chinese governments as peers, lmfao, good luck America

  3. “I want to launch a nuclear weapon”, “computer says no”
    “Please”, “computer says no in a nice way”

  4. It’s gonna be like in Tezuka’s Phoenix manga where they ask the ai that runs everything for guidance and it tells them to nuke each other.

  5. Necessary-Outside-40 on

    I don’t know, considering how these cultures demand their citizens to submit completely to authority, they will all be happily worshipping and fully controlled by their own AI in just a few years. There is no limit to the dangers AI will bring to authoritarian societies

  6. midnightbandit- on

    AI is the only way anyone can assure deterrence. It makes perfect sense. There’s no guarantee the human behind the switch will counter launch, which means the aggressor may think the risk is worth it. If AI controls it, then the nation can simply say: if you launch against us, we will counter launch. Even we can’t stop it. It is out of our hands.

    Not supporting it, but that’s the reasoning behind it I think

  7. Choice__Technician on

    AI nukes? are we heading to “Colossus: The Forbin Project”?

  8. Literally_Me_2011 on

    I bet 1 box of twinkies, those 2 motherfuckers will ignore and do the opposite just to spite the US

  9. MagnificoReattore on

    Wait, why is this even an issue? Is there something we should know about?