1. Germany’s left-wing parties are accusing the far-right of creating a “climate of fear” after several incidents of physical attacks on left-wing campaigners were reported since the left-wing parties officially launched their EU election campaigns.

    In eastern Germany, campaigners putting up posters for left-wing parties faced several attacks over the weekend as poster campaigns for the EU elections got underway in many parts of the country.

    Martin Schirdewan, co-leader of the progressive Die Linke party and the Left group in the European Parliament, warned of a chilling effect on the election campaign, as he blamed the attacks on the far-right.

    “Attacks of right-wing extremists are creating an unbearable climate of fear,” Schirdewan, who is also Die Linke’s top candidate, told Euractiv.

  2. PlecotusAuritus on

    It is a somewhat strange framing to pretend that only the left is concerned and affected, while Green campaigners have also been attacked and in recent years two politicians, Henriette Reker (Mayor of Cologne, non-party, supported by conservatives and Greens) and Walter Lübcke (District President of Hesse, conservatives), have been seriously injured or killed by right-wing extremists.

  3. But no alarm over the never-ending attacks on AfD personnel from left wing extremists? Whether it be assassination attempts and [bombings](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-germany-afd-idUKKCN1P20WE/) or mass [attacks](https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/afd-parteitag-in-offenburg-mehr-als-50-beamte-verletzt-18723961.html) on their meetings putting over 50 cops in the hospital?

    Or when the addresses of their politicians are published by antifa alongside a call to [terrorize them](https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/afd-politiker-antifa-veroeffentlicht-privatadressen-von-kandidaten-19090024.html?GEPC=s30)?

    Funny how political violence is only terrible and widely condemned when the left is the victim of it.

  4. the_mighty_peacock on

    Oh look, a thread that isnt whitewashing nazis. Give it few hours for the trolls to wake up.