Pro-Putin bots are trying to stop reddit posts of russian losses using hateful content reports. Just a heads up.

Posted by RevolutionaryTwo6587


  1. RevolutionaryTwo6587 on

    Just wanted to put this up here. This might be why we havent seen as many videos of russian losses on combat footage lately.

  2. AdMaleficent80 on

    Yea…if you say Slava Ukraini you are reported as spam too. They are so butthurt!

  3. More-Razzmatazz-6804 on

    They can try to stop reddit post but that wont give them back their losses! Thats the good part!!

  4. Professional_Act_820 on

    As soon as I see someone telling me that they are trying to keep a community “safe”, I know they pretty much are just using it as an excuse for censoring people.

  5. Sad-Cloud152 on

    My previous account was banned because of this…
    Not a warning or temporarely ban, just bam gone..
    Now i need the enough amount of karma again to post,react in my favorite ukraine subs…
    So yeah..

  6. An_Odd_Smell on

    I’m flattered to be followed around what feels like 24/7 by Sobbing Olga* and her 200 alt accounts, downvoting every comment I make, especially any about russia and T-90Ms (among other stuff).

    Her main accounts are almost dead at the moment, since she’s tied up logging-in-and-out of her alts.

    Sobbing Olga must have a spreadsheet with all the names and passwords open at all times.

    For any n00bz, here’s the procedure:

    1. Watch your target’s history to see when they comment;
    2. downvote it via many alts;
    3. leave derogatory comments via the alts, then block the target’s account so it cannot reply… then accuse the target of “cowardice” for not replying;
    4. lather, rinse, repeat up to literally hundreds of times;
    5. contribute absolutely nothing of value because you’re too busy with steps 1-4.

    *This is not her actual account name

  7. bigorangemachine on

    Ya I got a ban for saying Orcs are Trash (and other trash related comments).

    Ban got lifted… orcs still trash…

  8. Reddit has been reacting to reports by Russians. Reddit, like Patreon and Youtube et al, wants to make money from advertising. That will be more intense now that Reddit is on the share market. So basically all Reddit wants is topics like Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and other products that attract advertisers. Not real life world wars. So Reddit is actively quietening all conversation on the topic. Not just because of the active Russian bots.

  9. pronounclown on

    Reddit has become a cesspool to pro russian propaganda. It’s sickening really.

  10. CliWhiskyToris on

    It’s been like that for a long time. My previous account got permabanned for a discussion about why we shouldn’t allow for a mass migration through belarusian/russian FSB/KGB “Operation Sluza / Operation Sluice”. There was some Dutch pro-kremlin bot but I don’t remember his nickname. So I assume reddit is a propaganda battleground on many many fronts.