How international social media users are stoking Ireland’s migration debate

Posted by qwerty_1965


  1. Social media has done irreparable damage to society and should of been dealt with a long time ago.

  2. nitro1234561 on

    > The Talkwalker data shows of the posts mentioning Newtownmountkennedy, 56.1% were from users in the United States.

    Wow only 20% of the posts about Newtown mount Kennedy were from Ireland. That’s mental, there’s a clear attempt happening to manipulate public opinion on immigration

  3. theseanbeag on

    It’s fairly obvious when you see them try to spell Irish words or use Irish references. I’ve seen the word Gardaí spelled many different ways the last few weeks.

  4. Shitehawk_down on

    When you have Alex Jones rowing in behind your movement it’s probably time to get off the Internet, go get some fresh air and have a good long think about your life choices.

  5. Icy-Lab-2016 on

    The US is spreading its poison around the world. Everyone is worried about Russia, despite the tanks being way more active in spreading their shit here than the Russians ever have been (not saying the Putin isn’t up to something, but the yanks seem to be worse).

  6. amadan_an_iarthair on

    This isn’t at all surprising or new.

    Back in 2020, I remember reading that apparently the majority of those phone Blackrock Guard stations about gangs of immigrants were from the US.

    This all started, really, after the equal marriage and abortion referendums. A sudden spike on social media of concerned citizens. Turned out a lot of the accounts where Americans.

  7. Probably true of quite a few viral news stories, given the vast difference in our population and the US.

  8. HorserorOfHorsekind on

    You may be surprised but Russian/chinese/Iranian bots are stoking major conflicts on Reddit.

  9. Prestigious-Main9271 on

    This is precisely why I don’t the vote for president to be expanded to ex pats overseas.

  10. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    Is the presumption here that people wouldn’t be bothered unless some Yank had infected their brain with a tweet making them zombie racists, or what?

    Whole thing is lacking in self accountability. We have racists, we always have, the government have blundered us into the current crisis for them to take advantage. The “Internet yanks” who also supposedly “finance the far right”, entirely without evidence , aren’t responsible for this.

    If they can tell us how many Irish people viewed the tweets, or specifically how many Irish people viewed the Yank tweets, then this data is useful.

  11. GoneRampant1 on

    To the surprise of absolutely no one. It was obvious from the near start of it all that the majority of commentary was coming from Yanks and Brits astroturfing to inflate the statistics online about migration. It’s why most of the paytriot crowds you see IRL have to bus around, they are a chronic pain of a minority that have to boost numbers to make themselves look popular.

  12. Longjumping-Bat7523 on

    To be fair its not too much a bad thing, it needs to be dealt with

  13. UnSocial media. Oh no let’s ban everything. We should only be listening to RTE news

  14. Standard_russian_bot on

    Is it possible to see what percentage of reddit comments about migration are Irish?

  15. Appropriate-Bad728 on

    American media doing anything it can to distracted Americans from the depressing reality of the “richest and most free” country on earth.

  16. IdiditwhenIwasYoung on

    Strange timing…It’s almost like the brits have a cohort they want to shift over here and want to make it seem like there’s no issues.

  17. Another great benefit of speaking irish as a home language is I don’t see this shit on SM.