Tiff Macklem says higher interest rates having more bite in Canada than U.S.



  1. Exciting_Calves on

    So what’s next to all this? I’m 30 and it seems like nothing will go right ever again for the Canadian economy and no one seems to have a solution other than pointing out what’s going wrong.
    (Can’t open article because of G&M pay wall)

  2. Neutral-President on

    Canadians have accumulated a ridiculous amount of household debt thanks to near-zero interest rates for nearly a decade, and poor financial literacy. “Yay, free money!”

  3. The crazy bastard is actually going to do it eh? May as well buy USD now, the loonie is going to $0.50

  4. Yeah that’s factually true. Anyone who thinks Canada and the US should have the same interest rates is smoking something, and it ain’t just Mary Jane. Interest rates should reflect the conditions of the economy and the conditions between the Canadian and US economies are very different. Canada has way more exposure to the new higher rates, much weaker growth, and much larger debt. Anyone of these on their own to a rate differential, We have all three.

  5. Spare_Leopard8783 on

    Tons of Americans have 30 year fixed mortgages at 1 2 or 3 points so for so many the impact isn’t there 

  6. KermitsBusiness on

    Yeah cause we are poorer and have declining gdp per capita, and its the Federal Governments allowed abuse of temp workers and visas that is to blame.