Starting July 6, 2024, all new cars and trucks sold in the EU will be required to come equipped with technology that beeps, vibrates, and/or even slows down the vehicle when speeding is detected

Posted by Finkenn


  1. Ah, Europe loves to regulate and control. Can’t wait what’s next. Perhaps a beeping tap that starts vibrating when I fill my cup with too much water.

  2. alternativuser on

    So, when i try to overtake a slow moving truck on a straight road i will need about 10 kilometers of road as my car will automatically apply the brakes if i go a bit over the speedlimit?

  3. Well…if the system relies in GPS (speeds are quite often wrong on the maps) or on speed limit detection, then we will have a lot of cars driving slow or too fast.

    We have a car which detects speed limits and 8/10 times it’s detecting the wrong speed.

    Sat navs also only know summer speed limits, so it’s useless in the winter to “prevent speeding”.

    I don’t see this going well…

  4. For fuck’s sake, that’s exactly the kind of nonsense legislation written by bureaucrats that never have to drive themselves. Leaving aside the authoritarianism of not letting my car obey my commands, there’s this:

    > ISA operates using a front-facing camera that reads speed limit signs. This data, combined with GPS mapping in the vehicle’s software, enables the car to know the current speed limits along the route.

    If these empty suits ever drove they would know how extremely unreliable these speed limit recognition systems are, and what mayhem will result from letting them control the car.

    Argh now I’ll have to figure out how to jailbreak this crap in order to have a safe car.

  5. AccomplishedPlum8923 on

    Can we also restrict amount of electronics used in cars and improve the way of cars repair (to avoid a case when a door replacement is comparable with a price of the car)?

  6. JunkiesAndWhores on

    I had a Japanese import back in the 90s and when I went over the speed limit it beeped constantly. Annoying as fuck. Especially as it was the Japanese speed limit that it was set to.

  7. Mausandelephant on

    The EU on a roll recently after managing to make googlemaps ridiculously inconvenient.

  8. Just drove a car with that crap. It’s so fucking annoying, damn. 30 limit, I’m driving 33 and after 3 seconds it starts beeping. I leave that street, the limit changes to 80, the car doesn’t register it tho, so it keeps beeping for a minute. Luckily there was an option to mute the system. I have a car with TSR only and it happens really often that a new speed limit is not registered, especially on the Autobahn after a construction site

  9. I’ve had a car show me that the speed limit is 110 in a 50 zone and it has also shown me a limit of 30 in a 50.

  10. Let’s see how this works with multi lane constructions and diversion on the German Autobahn. My car recognizes speed limits just as indicated in the article with a camera, yet if gets confused if there are different speeds for different lanes.

    Slowing down would be getting a bit too restrictive.

  11. IamWildlamb on

    If only EU could do actually usefull things rather than waste tax payer’s money to come up with bullshit that does nothing other than piss quite literally every single person living inside of this union. I have to really wonder who are these people representing because I have hard time believing that there is actually sizeable group of people that wished for such a thing.

  12. robeewankenobee on

    Well, we were already looking at used cars … this will help to make the point more clear. I guess they sell too ‘much.’ :))

  13. ForeverIndecised on

    What the actual fuck? Why do we have so make up new stupid rules every three months or so?

  14. Petertitan99999 on

    Another 100€ price tag + failure point for no good reason.

  15. akiroraiden on

    yeah, would love to die cause i gotta overtake a cunt driving 60 in a 100kmh but i can’t cause my car wont speed up so i end up in a collision with oncoming traffic.

    Also when an idiot drives into you headfirst and you cant dodge cause youre in a 30 zone and the car wont go any faster.

    This has to be the dumbest shit ive heard in some time.

  16. Just yet more electronic junk that might break, just this time with greater consequences

  17. ExpressGovernment420 on

    Problem isn’t driving a bit faster than allowed, problem is people speeding in heavy traffic, inside cities and aggressive overtaking. And really dangerous overtaking is reason for most crashes. Not me driving a bit faster on wide open road with no car in front or back and no incoming traffic.

  18. Tddkuipers on

    I swear new cars are just getting progressively worse and worse due to all these stupid regulations. They distract more than they do any good while driving on the road.

  19. TukkerWolf on

    How the fuck did our government approve this? The only time I want a right-wing government and they disappoint me again?

  20. GentGorilla on

    Mine already does so based on traffic signalization recognition and it works like dog shit. The one on Waze works pretty well.

  21. NeuronalDiverV2 on

    Whats’s next, automated tickets as well?

    Not to mention it will increase car prices ever so slightly.

  22. pedrofromguatemala on

    this better not be the same thing as the auto swerve when it detects you cross the line. this garbage keeps detecting lines that dont exist and dangerously swerves the car “back” to compensate, and obviously we pay a premium for a shitty feature. can’t they just not make cars unable to go 250+ or would this also mean they are weaker uphill?

    tired of all the bullshit technology nobody asked for. only ABS please

  23. DefinetlyNotPanda on

    Can you just pull the fuse out and turn this system off this way?

  24. There is no way someone who uses a car would pass this law. GPS can be silly at times, imgine your car got forced to slow down becuase it detected you are on a road of max speed of 30 when you are on a max speed 80 road. Disastreous.

  25. Who even asked for this?! Am I supposed to thank my EU overlords for this?!

  26. These systems are all unreliable garbage and automatic speed reduction would make them actually dangerous. Thank you EU for forcing people to pay for this fake “feature”

  27. Panda_Panda69 on

    Well I hope it won’t be introduced. This is pure shit. These systems are annoying as fuck and tbh pointless because they just don’t work. It’s even worse than Auto start stop

  28. Great, I love that !

    Cars are way too dangerous for everyone not inside them, so it’s a collective responsability to use them with care and enforce smart regulation if needed, as in any dangerous industry.

  29. stack-o-logz on

    It’s ***REALLY*** annoying.

    My new car thinks it knows the speed limit and bongs when I go even 1mph over it. It’s just constantly pulling my attention away from the road – not because I’m speeding, but because it often misses changes in the speed limit so it thinks I’m speeding when I’m not.

    I’m all for technology helping but if it’s not consitently accurate, it’s just annoying and dangerous.

    It’s possible to turn it off, but when you re-start the engine, it defaults to being on.

  30. Boba_slemm on

    Wouldn’t slowing down the vehicle go against safety regulations? In my opinion slowing down the vehicle takes control away from the driver. I can see vibrating and beeping being implemented but not slowing the vehicle down

  31. random74639 on

    Me and couple friends are already working on a tool to have this removed without voiding warranty.

  32. SaareenSVK on

    Will cars be more expensive now? Does the EU want to eliminate car manufacturers in Europe?

  33. VisualAdagio on

    Driving under the speed limit should be personal responsibility, we should not be nannied by the technology, cut this crap…