Most Dublin companies losing staff to housing shortage, survey shows

Posted by VindictiveCardinal


  1. So the government will fast track building houses for Irish people, who work, pay tax, and their wages and pensions? Because that would be the smart thing to do. And the government are supposedly the smartest in the land. That’s why their in charge.

  2. A lot of the same companies have been pushing to have people in office a minimum of 3 days a week over the last year and for some reason cannot understand why people who were initially hired as remote are now quitting over a 2 hour commute 3 days a week.

  3. Why the fuck have the government pushed for all the jobs to be in Dublin in the first place? Oh because they are landlords and property investors. They should change the corporate tax rate for Dublin and have it higher than other areas of Ireland.

  4. Revolutionary_Pen190 on

    So build up and have more apartments that are over 7 storeys

  5. High_Flyer87 on

    This is what will have MNCs packing their bags and mainland EU countries becoming more attractive.

    Quite a few high rise residential proposals in Dublin have been blocked.

    Again at its most simplistic it’s greed.

  6. bubumacpong on

    They might start listening when the multinationals can’t attract talent anymore.

  7. croghan2020 on

    Some offices are delighted to be losing these people but like to have a moan about to try stay relevant when infact they’re mismanagement of hybrid working is what pushed people from their roles.