Analysis: Trump Says Europe Is Freeloading on Ukraine, But the Actual Numbers Are Bigly Different


  1. CaliforniaBilly on

    Translation: A few months ago European countries decided to stop buggering each other, after two years of doing just that. Can’t imagine why.

  2. StrengthThin9043 on

    It’s an efficient narrative, it plays well with many Americans. It doesn’t matter that it’s false, it’s true enough. You can’t kill Russians by pouring buckets of money on them, and Europe doesn’t have enough defense production (yet) to deal with Russia without significant help from US. Or at least not without Ukraine suffering a lot more than they otherwise will.

    If Trump wins, this narrative is what will stop the US aid again.

  3. jpowers_01 on

    I stopped reading once I saw “Trump says…”. He can now officially be called “Vonshitzenpants”. It was entered into the court documents today 🙂

  4. Giantmufti on

    Each european send nearly 3 times as much as an American. I think it’s fair Europe take the heavy lifting here, but it’s difficult to end this war without continuous American weaponry. Europe don’t have a desert full of 30 year old ifv and tanks doing nothing.

  5. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Can we slap a coal scuttle helmet on Trump and send him off on a meat wave?