Boeing’s Starliner is about to launch − if successful, the test represents an important milestone for commercial spaceflight


  1. Alarming-Magician637 on

    Too bad the company is too busy killing whistleblowers for people to care.

  2. moderngamer327 on

    There really isn’t anything important for this about commercial spaceflight. This rocket would have been *ok* a decade ago. Now it’s a relic before it’s even launched. It will complete its required contracts and be shutdown

  3. Alex_Dylexus on

    Just saw an article yesterday proclaiming this the first astronaut launch since Apollo. Like wtf???? They didn’t even acknowledge the shuttle let alone the falcon 9. The worst part was that the article in question didn’t even specify a destination. The whole thing read like an ad for Boeing. So I am assuming Boeing is spending hard on press coverage for this launch and are likely pulling strings to drum up a positive spin with their political ties as well.

    I’m not impressed. Hurry up and bring the astronauts home safe. Then we can celebrate you finally delivering despite the numerous setbacks.