In a first, an orangutan was seen treating his wound with a medicinal plant


  1. letdogsvote on

    As time goes by, we’re going to find a lot more species are a lot more intelligent than we thought.

  2. Orangutans can speak, but they hide it from us humans because we’d give them jobs.

  3. thistangleofthorns on

    I think the bigger story is that people are somehow still impressed when animals show any signs of intelligence. They’re intelligent. Will we ever be able to accept this fact and move on? Only time will tell, I guess.

  4. “the size and shape of a puzzle piece”

    Maybe it’s been a while, but I thought the whole point of puzzle pieces was that they didn’t have a consistent shape.

  5. Tattycakes on

    I watched a video of an orang-utan prompting a guy to take off his jacket, and it then put his jacket on, just like a person would. It was the most uncanny thing I have ever seen.