Russian “combat reconnaissance vehicle” UAZ-452, with no working brakes, crashes on its way to the front line.

Posted by pavelos030


  1. adrian_num1 on

    It’s not that the brakes didn’t work it’s just they were an optional extra and someone thieved it. Idiots

  2. Moses_Rockwell on

    No wonder the FOR Legion is thriving. You sign up for a couple tours, for principals, or just for killing people, you’ll get a better chance of either, if you wipe your arse with the RF costume, and start sending lead toward where you came from. Fk’d up, ain’t it?

  3. Aromatic_Balls on

    Seeing them bombing around in these Mystery Machine vans makes me regret ever complaining about our humvees.

  4. If I hear this song in a club, I will go Saturday Night Fever on these hot beats.

  5. KS-Wolf-1978 on

    “turned my brakes off, nothing can stop me now”

    Beautiful. 🙂

  6. VoluptuousBLT on

    Going to do a whole lot of reconnaissance with that big white Z on the front you fucking idiots.

  7. No-Drag-7142 on


    That military parade Putin had to cancel looks like it would’ve been a banger with all these hippie wagons.

  8. even the cars see more than the russian people and supporters of them, how alienated do u have to be?! LMAO