Porn stars by birth state

Posted by Past_Yam9507


  1. Maleficent-Fee-9343 on

    Proud to be Czech! 11 M people and we are number 3 worldwide!

  2. Fan_of_Clio on

    Honestly it seems almost, but obviously not perfectly, proportional to population

  3. Doesn’t mean anything if it isn’t relative to population size. Of course the most populated areas will have the most porn stars….and truck drivers, and scientists, and everything else.

  4. Past_Yam9507 on

    Cali has 3.5x times the population of Ohio yet has 10x the number of porn stars. A huge percentage of the porn/adult toy industry is based in Southern California.

  5. SugarsDaddyKen on

    Hear me out…

    THIS is how we allocate votes for the Electoral College.

  6. royalhawk345 on

    Does the placement of the dots convey any information? It looks totally arbitrary. For example, there’s no way that there are a ton of porn stars from Columbia, MO and its suburbs but none from St. Louis or KC.

  7. Czech Republic and Hungary combined have about 20 million people. What the heck

  8. EvilCatArt on

    The US has 4 times as many porn stars as the second place country and 409 more than the next 9 countries combined. I dare say that makes us the porn capital of the world. The real question is if we should be proud or disgusted…