This dude should have been locked up many years ago.


  1. udfckthisgirl on

    Our military needs significantly better psychological screening to ferret out the future treasonous scum.

  2. OkPenis-ist28 on

    His picture should be in the dictionary beside the word ‘traitor’.

  3. ComicBookEnthusiast on

    This is the guy that pleaded guilty to working with Russsia against the United States, but was pardoned by Trump right?

  4. Hayes4prez on

    Boomers really have to come up with a new boogeyman phrase other than communism.

  5. Flynn is a traitor to America and a patriot to Russia. Treason trump pardoned him or he’d be in prison where he belongs.

  6. Stick them up your ass, flynn. You deserve to be court marshaled, lose your retirement pension and put in prison for the rest of your miserable life.

  7. slightlyassholic on

    This is why you don’t attempt a coup and fail.

    BTW, if this was an actual communist takeover it wouldn’t have been subpoena paying a visit last night.