FPV hit on a T-80? causes cook off. Eastern Front

Posted by Past_Journalist4088


  1. WotTheHellDamnGuy on

    Ghost driver. Imagine the force required to stop a tank engine in runaway-mode? And if it is a T-80 with a turbine?

  2. You can see on the start of the video (0:02 above the driver hatch) that something is dropped in… probably through an open hatch, a granade from a drone.

  3. Crazy to think that there’s people inside those things when they cook off.. Bad way to go.

    Makes you wonder why they didn’t try harder to not participate in invading their neighbors.

  4. Doggish123 on

    Do they have firewalls in place to prevent incineration during a cook off?

    Or do you just get instacremated?

  5. Damn lodging the tank against that wall took away their last chace of escape… inside they must feel the same as chickens cooked inside a steam pressure cooker