Peckham: Protesters block coach over asylum seeker transfer

Posted by ClassicFlavour


  1. Markarma3100 on

    5yrs minimum in prison, banned from air travel, and fine them the cost of the deportation of each migrant to be removed. Interfering with Immigration Officers should be just as serious of an offence as interfering with coppers

  2. Adept-Ad-3472 on

    I’m very sure that those that are opposed just stop oil blocking roads and claim it being naughty, will adhere to their own standard and be out to condemn these people too.

    Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, maybe there will be caveats. I suspect there will be caveats.

  3. Deported_By_Trump on

    Saw a bunch of police vans rushing towards to scene earlier today. Those clowns made me miss my train by blocking the road.

  4. northern_dan on

    No problem with protests – but why are they always masked?

    Saw the same with the protests at arms factories yesterday. The protest was perfectly legal, so why hide their faces?

    I’ve only protested once, and was proud to do so. I didn’t feel the need to hide my face.

    Speaking to people affected by the protesters yesterday, some of those trying to get into the facilities, especially the older ones found a group of people in masks very intimidating and it just got their backs up straight away.

  5. Shot_Annual_4330 on

    Will these protesters all be offering up a spare room to house the asylum seekers? Or is it they’re happy occupying the moral high ground when it’s someone else’s money they’re spending?

  6. A bunch of people who are barely old enough to have paid much tax dictating how its spent, great,

  7. Pretty sure this was all a pretty empty show of activism…using a bus was just a cost effective way of moving people…now the economic migrants will just be moved in much smaller numbers, in small unmarked vehicles, probably in the middle of the night…

  8. nameuseralreadytook on

    All those protesting should be rounded up and forced to pay all costs associated with keeping these illegal migrants in our country out of their own pockets

  9. ikDsfvBVcd2ZWx8gGAqn on

    “No borders, no nations, stop deportations”

    Absolute loons.

  10. fujoshimoder on


    The Rwanda policy is nothing more than performative cruelty by a government desperately trying to appeal to the reactionaries abandoning the Conservatives en masse for Reform. Anybody with a conscience and a brain recognises it for the disgusting, cynical move that it is.

    Efforts to enforce this policy should be frustrated at every turn.

  11. letsstickygoat on

    Good, no one voted for it and no one supports it. A tremendous waste of money, time, and people’s lives

  12. _cookie_crumbles on

    I know people like them. When you trying to have logical conversation with them about the issue and if you make valid point they don’t have an answer for they just falling back on the stuff they’ve read online and repeating it over and over again. Things need to be how they see it, no compromise.

    This story reminds me of another story when U.K. was deporting one of POS involved in in Rotherham child abused scandal and people refused to take their seats on the plane and were standing constantly to prevent the flight from taking off so poor refugee couldn’t be deported. Wonder how they felt when they found out who he was… they’ve chosen a great hill to die on.

  13. YaqtanBadakshani on

    Just because people seem completely ignorant of what exactly they’re protesting:

    The first attempt to move asylum seekers onto the boat had too be stopped due to an outbreak of legionnaires disease



    Inspections have revealed multiple fire safety hazards, meaning that attempting to use the barge at full capacity would put them in serious danger



    At time of writing, none of the required modfications have been implemented. The economic savings of this plan are estimated to range from negligable to negative.





    This is yet another expensive act of petty cruelty from the Tory party designed, not to help asylum seekers, not to enable more efficient claim processing, not to deterr economic migrants, not to help the local community, but to pad their bra to pander to the 20 or so drooling imbeciles that might just vote for them the next election.

  14. _Rookwood_ on

    Loath these protestors. The state has a right to move asylum seekers around the country if they so please. They are here only out of our compassionate laws and there are limited funds so sometimes moving them to fresh accomodation is appropriate.

    I hope all of these protestors involved are investigated and charged to the fullest extent of the law of they have broken it. 

  15. Cute_Ad_9730 on

    Time to start shovelling out illegal economic migrants and making it clear the U.K. is not a soft destination. If you turn up in the U.K. without reasonable paperwork and have entered illegally you are deported or detained until you prove your case. 

  16. umop_apisdn on

    If somebody can’t work out why the Tories are pulling out this bit of performative cruelty on election day, they must be soft in the head. *Looks upthread* oh..