Protesters at RTÉ call for Eurovision boycott over Israel

Posted by andubhadh


  1. Shitehawk_down on

    I’m beginning to think this is all a plot by big keffiyah to boost sales

  2. I must have missed their calls for a boycott on Azerbaijan participating?

  3. The TAX HEAVEN virtue signalling pricks again can not mind their own business.

    Don’t you have a new wave of Irish citizens who you need to accommodate?

  4. My favorite was Erica Cody trying and failing to represent Ireland at this year’s Eurovision, then calling for Bambie Thug to boycott it.

    What an absolute fraud.

  5. Successful-Tie-7817 on

    It would be great if they just cancelled the whole thing forever!

    It is complete shite!

  6. great_whitehope on

    When you find out Moroccan oil, the title sponsor is an Israeli company, Israel being allowed to compete makes a lot more sense!

  7. blazeQuicksliver on

    People asking for a boycott when a more effective strategy would be to use the air time to protest at Israel’s inclusion.

    Neither will happen mind you.

    And bambie should be under no pressure to do either. She doesn’t make the decisions for Eurovision.